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Hey guyz, it's been a while.

I hope all of you guys are well and healthy, and I hope that you all know you are loved.

So I basically wrote this chapter to tell you guys about a few new things.

Firstly, the next update will be any time this week, so make sure to look out for it.

Also I recently published the intro's for 3 new books.
I would really appreciate it so much if u guys would give them some love too.

They are:

The morning after....

It's Jungkook biased and it's basically about this...... (read to find out)


It's Yoongi biased and it's about where Yoongi....(read to find out)

And lastly but not in the least....

god of destruction

As you can probably see it's a Namjoon biased story about....( Read to find out)

So I'm sorry for not telling you guys what they are all about, but pls check them out, I promise it'll be worth your time!!

(why am I doing this?)

So I've been ranting on too long and my phone is about to die so I'm signing off.

Stay healthy and love yourselves!!


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