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"Okay, so when this guy told you about the bracelet, what did he say exactly?", Jimin asks the girl next to him, trying to get his facts straight.

"Well, he came up to me and we talked and then he said that there were only limited suspects to the case since there are only six of those bracelets in existence. I must admit I was sceptical but when I saw Tae and the bracelet, I knew it was the truth. I couldn't believe it when he told me all the boys had one.", Mia says, reliving the intense moment.

"So, we just have to figure out which one of my brothers is missing their bracelet?", Jimin asks, Mia nodding.

"But we can't be too obvious because if my grandfather finds out that we're trying to solve this again, he'll surely take away our badges for disobeying him.", Mia says, Jimin nodding in agreeance.

"So, why don't we just gather them up and ask? It will be simple and we can then find out if they're hiding anything.", Jimin suggests, Mia shaking her head.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea. What if one of the boys really did murder your father? They'd deny it and probably dissapear for good. But I don't think it was any of your brothers. Yes, they do have possible motive, but they're not cruel people. Something else must be up.", Mia says, Jimin nodding and breathing out a sigh of relief, because he didn't believe any of his brothers were at fault either.

"But how do we eliminate them without evidence of their innocence?", Jimin asks, Mia thinking hard but finding no thoughts flowing through her brain.

"I don't know.", She says with a sigh, Jimin jumping up suddenly, startling her.
"I've got it! The guy that tipped you off about the bracelet, if he knew that, he probably knows more.", Jimin says, Mia nodding her head in agreement.

"But how do we find him? His number isn't valid anymore.", Mia says discouraged, Jimin smirking.

"Small problem, let me get my laptop.", He says as he runs upstairs to their room, grabbing the device and running down again.

"Jimin, what are you doing?", She asks her handsome boyfriend as he sits down next to her and opens up the laptop.

"I'm simply going to track the I.P address, my love.", He says as he types code into the computer.
Mia blushes but shakes it off as she watches Jimin's fingers glide over the keyboard.

She watches in awe as he puts his skills to the test, trying to track the mysterious man from the cafè.

After a few minutes of typing, he sits back and watches as the computer loads all the code he had put in.
Mia gets up from her seat and gets them both a beer, Jimin thanking her and taking a sip.

"Well, it looks like the phone went offline just after he messaged you. Probably a disposable cheap phone, bought just for the sole purpose of talking to you.", Jimin says, Mia nodding along.

"Well, do you know where it last was active?", Mia asks, Jimin typing some more and turning the screen towards her.

"A few blocks away from here?", She asks, Jimin nodding and turning the computer back to him.
"It looks like almost four blocks from here, walking distance. Do you think he maybe watched you before approaching you?", Jimin asks, Mia thinking back but recalling nothing of the sort.

"No, not that I'm aware of. But it could be possible. Does that mean that we could be being watched right now?", Mia asks in a whisper.

"It's possible but I don't think he'll hurt us if he's anything like you described. He seems more like the passive type.", Jimin points out.

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