Chapter TWO, Chat with the Captain

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Written By: Hippy_Slaker

Halfway thought teleporting I thought it would be better to talk to the captain alone, so I took us to an ally way in down town New York.

"You need to stop following me and trying to stop me, it won't work." I said turning to look at him.

"I'm afraid I can't do that miss, you're stealing very valuable stones and we think you're planning something big."

"So what if I am." I snapped, I never liked doing what I do but I have no choice. I have no control over myself once I get told what to do by him I never wanted this.

"It's wrong. I can tell you are a very smart girl and you need to realise that you can't go one like this. Bad things will happen to you if you continue. The avengers WILL stop you." The captain said in a clam voice. "Stop doing this and I'll tell Fury that you have and we won't bother you again but continue and you will have to pay for what you are doing and have already done."

"And why should I believe you my dear?" I ran a finger up his chest. He suddenly grabbed my hand forcefully.

"Because I keep my word," I looked him in the eyes and saw that they were the deepest blue I had ever seen yet they told the truth.

I suddenly heard the sounds of jet engines in the sky but the sound was too low to be any jets. To confirm my suspicions Iron man flew around the corner and pointed one of his arms at me. I took a step back.

"Don't Tony." Captain America said to Iron man. That name sounded so familiar, it was like something in the back of my mind was trying to tell me something. Iron man put his hand down but still kept alert.

"I will not give you that deal again." Cap. Looked at me waiting for an answer but the choice wasn't up to me, I had no say in what I do and it's not like I can just say no.

"I can't," I whispered and teleported back to the hideout just as the other avengers came into the ally way.


"You're late." Master stated as I appeared in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I ran in to a bit of trouble but I have the stone." I pulled out the stone from my back pocket and held it out.

"Ah excellent," The old man got up quickly and took the stone from me and examined it carefully.

"Master may I ask what you need all of these stones for?" He turned around and looked at me in anger; he walked up to me and slapped me with the back of his hand.

"Your only job is to do as I say and not ask questions so do as I God damn tell you and don't ask questions." He turned and walked into his lab. I sighed and turned to head to my room. It didn't hurt when he slapped me because I don't feel pain, at least not physically. I went in to my room and took a much needed shower. As I washed the dirt out of my hair I thought about the deal Captain America had made to me. What would it be like to not do this, and live a normal life?

The Centenary Diamond on the side ---------------->

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