Chapter Three, I don't know what to call this chapter

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A/N: Hello my ducklings! 

So I have decided to remove Rosin's wings, caus that would make my plan for this story. NOT LIKE THAT! Gosh, you have a dirty mind. Anyways enjoy the chappie and please don't kill me. Cheers to Hippy_Slaker for editing the chappie 

Till next time 

This is Rosin, Over and Out 


"Don't Tony" Cap said to Iron man. That name sounded so familiar yet it was probably because of Tony Stark. Everyone knew Tony Stark was Iron man, but I could help but feel as if there was something important about that name that I should remember. Weeks passed yet all I thought about was why that name sounds so familiar. I was shocked that it was disturbing my mind as much as it is. 

"Rosin, come here NOW!" That blasted voice brought me out of my thoughts. I got up silently off my bed and walked out into the large "conference room." I sat down in one of the comfortable chairs opposite my master. 

"Master, what is it you want me to do?" I asked in a monotone voice. 

"I need you to be situated at Stark industries, for the time being. You will be living in a flat down the road from there. Your new name will be Sydney Knight. Any questions?" before I could say anything the Master carried on. "None, good, go pack, you leave as soon as you're packed." His voice was icy cold and quite scary, I mentally prayed that he would stop using it like that. With that he handed me an address so I knew where to teleport to.  

I packed my clothes relatively quickly seeing as I didn't have many to start with. I looked around the room; all the walls were stripped bare of all my things. I smiled to myself, I was leaving, not forever but I was finally leaving. 

Once I teleported right into my new bedroom my grin got bigger. Even though the room was bare I could picture myself tie-dying the bed, put posters on the wall, and cover the wardrobe with some of those funny little paint samples. I couldn't wait to get started.  

I decided to go check out a hardware store that was a few blocks down, to get some sample colours so I could decide what colours to use in my room. I was too busy being in my own la la land and wondering how my room would turn out, to notice the person walking in my direction. I only realised when the person bumped into me. 

"I'm sorry I should have been-" my breath caught in my throat as I looked up to see the most handsome man I had seen in my life. It was only then when I realised that my top was went and starting to get sticky. I looked down to see a large brown coffee stain on my top. 

"I'm so sorry ma'am." The blonde looked genuinely sorry and he gave me a small smile that made me feel fuzzy inside. 

"STEVE YOU COMING?" someone behind this man, Steve, shouted. Before running off, Steve gave me another small apologetic smile. I watched him disappear into the crowd before caring on with my previous task. 

After I finished with my painting and decorating I flopped onto my bed with a sigh. The walls were covered in all sorts of posters like; The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, One Direction, Alice in Wonderland and many more. My wardrobe was covered in colour samples and my quilt was out drying on the balcony. i think I did well with my room even if I do say so myself. Sudden fatigue hit me and I decided to fall asleep right there on the bed, but not before thinking about the handsome blonde I bumped into the earlier and what it would be like if we ever got together.

The next morning was pretty much rushed, I'd say. I woke up at 9:30 and I needed to be a Stark towers at 10, so yeah my morning was defiantly rushed. I was on my way to Stark towers, after I had showered and gotten dressed, when the though hit me. A shiver went down my spine as I thought about what would happen if I didn't get the job. What would happen if I didn't get the job? Would master punish me?  

Within no time I was outside the tower staring at it in awe. How was the building so tall? It was beautifully structured and fully made of glass. There were massive letters at the top of it, spelling out STARK. I walked in and the lobby looked very modern. There was no que so when I told the receptionist about my appointment she told me to go straight up to the 13th floor. There a red head met me and introduced herself. 

"Hello, I'm Pepper Potts, follow me for your job interview" and I did as she said.  

"Congratulations Miss Knight, Welcome to Stark Industries" Pepper smiled warmly at me, thank God the interview went smoothly. 

"You start tomorrow at 9 am, please don't be late. You're free to look around, here's your pass and a small map of the building so you don't get lost." and with that she walked off. I smiled doing a happy dance in my head and walking off to explore Stark Industries.

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