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A/N: So this is my first attempt at writing a story so please if I've made any spelling mistakes don't worry about that. I like CONSTRUCTIVE critisum not the harsh 'Your story is Crap!' type stuff. This story will have swearing in it so if you don't like it get over it. Enjoy the story





"Test subject is ready sir" the scientist assitent said timidly. She knew working there, in this place was wrong, but she had to. Her family needed the money. Without it they would surely starve. " Ah, yes, thank you" the scientist said smiling evily. 'This is it! I gonna hit the jackpot this time, I can feel it' he thought walking over to the test subject, she had been nocked out. It was hard getting hold of her but he got her. If this worked he would use her as his pawn she would have no memory of her past life, but to make sure she would do as he said he would have to brain wash her. He picked up a needle labeled 'Teloportation' and injected the syrup into her veins, he did the same with the other needles labeled 'Gravity control, lie detecter and elements' together they gave her addtional powers such as the ability to see the future, speed and strength. She also grew slender white wings, that looked as if they belonged to an angel. She would wake in a few hours, the scientist thought as he set up the mind control machine . "Clare, come here NOW" he shouted making some of the glass tubes rattle. " Yes sir, you called for me" Clare, the assistant, stuttered " Yes, I am afraid that you know to much Clare, I have to kill you now" he said. As he shot her legs so she would not be able to run. "I do not plan to kill you myself, no 001 will kill you. I am so very sorry" he laughed evily not sounding sorry. 001 started to move and the scientist turned on the machine. When the system was compleat 001 sat up slowly. " Master what is your wish for me?" she said softly. " Take this gun, and kill miss Clare Mullings she must not leave here alive" 001 took the gun and looked at Clare with her greyie blue eyes and aimed the gun and pulled the trigger. The girl, 001, was none other than Rosin Stark, soon known as 'The NightLock'.

A/N:Picture of Rosin on side ------>

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