::Chapter One::

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*6 year's old*

"Akito-san meet Takashi-chan."

"Am sure you two will become grate friends."

His eyes empty and emotionless watching the women leave, before turning his attention the girl infont of him.

"Hello! Am Takashi! Mizuki Takashi! But you can call me any thing you'd like! Oh are you waring a kimono! Is so pretty!" The boy striveld his nose, the girl before him was odd, having twigs stiking out of her hair along with leafs. Her blue eyes sparkeld as She stepped closer to him, to the point where there nose touch.

"Wanna be friends?"  She asked her eye's shimmering with hope, but the boy only shoved her to the ground.

"NEVER WILL I EVER WANT BE YOUR FRIENDS WITH A DUMB FOX LIKE YOU!!" he screamed with blush staining his face as he turned to walk away. The girl only stood up and started walking right next to him.

"I'll take that as a challenge." She smiled the boy rolled his eyes as she followed him around until days end.

*5 year's later*
"Aki-kuuun come on its time for your medican!" Yelled the fox trying to pull her friend out of bed.

"LEAVE ME ALONE WOMEN!!" He screamedifting his hand and smacking her away and turning over in his bed.

"NOT IN TILL YOU GET UP!!" she barked back.

Of course this led to her pulling him on her back and carrying him to the shomas family doctor.

"Why do you even bother with me? It's not like I'll be living much longer anyway." Akito spoke in a bored tone.

"Because your my friend and friends make sure that that they take there medicine." She said humming a tune to herself "and as long as am around your not gonna die any time soon!"
She said with a toothy grin.

Akito blushed as he beat the top of the girls head, she was unfazed by this since it was such a normal thing.

*7 years later*

"Say Akito-san?" Spoke the girl.

"What do you want dumb fox?" His voice laced with venom, it whould have sent a shiver down anyone's spine but not her's, for she was acosstom to it.

"Umm. Well you know that I did graduated highschool, and umm." She twitteld with the end of her long fiery hair.
Her hesitants was new to the boy, it made him rise from the poch he was laying on outside sitting up to face her.


"Am going to be leaving for college soon I thought you'd like to know. Always wanting me to leave you alone and all."
She said gently forcing a smiled tords the boy.

His eye's widen he felt something in his stomach turn at the thought of her leaving, frezzing him in place. The girl took this as a sign to live, before shuting the door she said "don't worry Akito-san, unlike the fox in the story I will return!"

Once the door was closed the boy screamed and threw thing's around the room.

Once the door closed the girl cried, hearing her company cry out, to some it whould sound like the scream of anger, but the fox knew the boy to well. The screams where that of fear and pain.

She choked knowing she could not comfort him like she has for years this is something he must learn to do on his own now. In till she returns.

*3 year's later present time*

His dull eye's scand the tree's as he sat on the porch today was the day she  whould return to him. Today is the day  to see if she will keep her promise.

Stepping off the plane a girl with hair as red as flames and eyes as blue as the sea, her hair that once long enough to resemble a tale was now as short as a pixes. She smiled brushing her bangs aside.
"It's good to be home." She said

"Its good to be home."

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