Chapter 4

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~Sapphires POV~

To be honest with anyone, she didn't think she would succeed the way she did. And she's sure as hell Bakugou didn't expect that either. "Sapphire.." She nods tiredly, signaling that Midoriya has gotten her attention. "Its too much.. His look.... Is too much!" She sighed heavily before looking at where Bakugou was. 'If looks can kill..' Sapphire swores if he glares like that it'll be permanent. The whole 'capture the flag' ended after everyone had their turn. It was a perfect opportunity for Sapphire, so she could see everyone's amazing quirks and how they work. '..that rhymes..' "MAN!! I can't believe we lost, though!" Kirishima went over to the pair, scratching his head. She laughs and playfully punches his shoulders. "That's right! We're the champs of this one!" "DONT GET COCKY, YOU SCALY NERD!" Her smile fell at Bakugos interruption. "You only won because you caught me off guard like that, damn it!!" He said aggressively. 'Why is his face all red for?' Sapphire thought before sighing and putting her hands on her hips. "I said I was sorry. It was an accident! Haven't touched a girl before?" She said teasingly. He looked away from her face angrily, his blush deepening. A laugh was heard as Kaminari came forward. "You know you haven't huh? That's why you were trying to straddle-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP, IDIOT!!" Bakugo shouts before pointing at Sapphire in determination. "Next time, your ass is mine woman, you hear!?!" Kaminari and Mineta put their hand on their mouths, looking at each other in mock disappointment. "Oooohoooo Bakugo, for shame! Saying it like that it sounds dirty!!" Sapphire tilts her head in confusion as she sees Bakugo chasing both of them, trying to blast them. 'What in the world are they talking about?' Kirishima put his head back and laughed. "Everybody so lively even after all that fighting and moving around!" She grinned as she waved at Iida and Uraraka walking to them.

"Yeah! I'm tired just looking at you guys!"


After a while time seems to go by and today marks a month and a half since she has been here at U.A. Sapphire has even remembered where the laundry room was in the dorms this time. She walks down the long hallway to her room after finishing washing her clothes. Going inside and closing the door, she flopped on the floor and began to fold. Her mind suddenly wandered back to when she first came here..Dekus and Bakugos face when they saw her after a long time. Its understanding, since she didn't say much to them when they were in middle school about her departure. She left in a hurry with her older brother to their fathers side. But so did her parents leaving them. First mom.. then dad left to the heavens. And her brother in a way left her too. 'Big brother... you're still with that group with your best friend?' She sat her knees up and buried her head in her arms. This feeling of loneliness and emptiness is a feeling she knew all to well.. 'I'll save you.. and bring you back, brother!'

*Ding, Ding!*

She blinked back her tears and looked at her phone on her bed. Picking it up, she smiled softly at the message. 'Its Deku.'

Deku: Hi Sapphire! Theres this new cafe opened at the mall! Would you like to come with me? I mean- if you want!!

Sapphire: Sure thing! I'll come meet you up front!

'Perfect timing!'


Sapphire waited up front, wearing a U neck, pink summer dress and gold colored sandals. "Sapphire!!" She grinned at Midoriya running to her. "There ya are!" He bent at the knees, panting and catching his breath. "I-I'm so sorry I'm late!! A teacher stopped me then I ran into a door!" He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. Sapphire trid to hold back a laugh. "Its ok, Deku! I'm excited, so let's go!" She bounced off with him in tow.

~Bakugo's POV~

"Huh? Isn't that Midoriya?" Bakugo was on his way back to his room with Kirishima and Kaminari to play video games before he sees Midoriya ran into a door opening. "AH! Sorry about that, Midoriya!" His classmate Sero peeked out and bowed his head. 'Fucking idiot.' Bakugo rolled his eyes. Midoriya apologized and continued to run outside the building. Where the hell is he going in such a rush? 'Not like that loser does much anyway.' "Man he's booking! Wonder what's the hurry?" Kirishima asks as Kaminari walks to the window looking outside at the front gate watching. "Oohohoho!?! Guys!! Take a look!!" Kaminari shouts in excitement as Kirishima goes to check it out. "Woah!! Hold on, is that Sapphire?"


Bakugo strode to them and shoved Kaminari to the side to get a better look. "It is!! Where they going? On a date!?!" The blondes blood began to heat up as he gritted his teeth. The word 'date' rang over and over in his head. 'A date? Her with that NERD!?' "MAN HES LUCKY!! The dudes got game that's for sure. Sucks I didn't even ask, Shes such a sexy thing-" Kaminari 'eeped' as the collar of his shirt was roughly grabbed. "Shut the fuck up or else!" Bakugos voice lowered to a menacing growl. Kirishima grabbed Bakugos wrist. "Dude, chill out!" Bakugo releases Kaminari, the boy coughing and rubbing his neck. "Owww.. What was that for!?" Bakugo avoided their looks. Why did he react like that? It's not like he gives two shits! But why is she with him!? And why can't his mind shut up about it!? "Bakugo!! You hearing me!?" A hand waved in front of his face. He snaps back to reality as Kirishima looks to him in confusion. "What's wrong with you, dude?" Kaminari puts a hand on his friends shoulder and chuckles. "Kirishima.. its obvious: he's jealous." He was grabbed by the collar again. "What the fuck did you say!?" Bakugo growled as he shook him back and forth. Kirishima put his fist on his hand. "I get it now!! That's why you're acting worse than usual!" Bakugo release Kaminari and whirled around to him, fire in his glaring eyes. "Shut up, you bastards! No way I'd be jealous of anyone!! Especially that shitnerd!!" Kaminari coughed before pointing his finger at him. "You know you suck at lying! Aah sorry sorry, dont hit me!" Kirishima then put his hand on his chin, a wide grin plastered on his face.

"So the question is: Do you like Sapphire?"


Bakugo shoved his hands in his pockets and turned away, hiding his beet red face. "She's a pain in the ass back then as kids and even now!! Why the hell would anyone like a self righteous, smart ass bitch like her!?" Both of his friends laughed at him. "Then why you blushing!?" Kamimari shouts as he dodged a fist. Bakugo began down the hall grumbling under his breath. 'Fuck all of this damn it.. Damn you Sapphire!!'

~Sapphires POV~

"ACHOO!!" Sapphire sneezed as she sat down across from Midoriya at the new cafe. "Oh! Someone must be talking or thinking about you!*" Midoriya points out with a smile. She hummed before crossing her arms under her breast, causing Midoriya to stare before quickly looking away. "They better not be talking shit.." Midoriya held back a laugh as he took a bite of cake. "This is really good!" Sapphire nodded and took a bite of her strawberry cheesecake. Her moan in delight causes Midoriya to jump. "Soo good!" Sapphire suddenly noticed him fiddling with his fingers. "Deku? What's wrong?" He takes a deep breath before looking at her. She was slightly taken aback at his serious demeanor. He was still.. but lately she noticed wasnt so shy anymore. He.. grew up so much that Sapphire doesn't need to protect him anymore. Lik back then when they were kids. When.. did he look more like a man? "Sapphire.." She gasps, face heating up and noticing she was spacing out again. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry! I was.. I mean-"

"Where... did you go the day you left?"

Thanks for reading!

*Saying goes if you sneeze out of nowhere someone is talking about you! ..So I heard.*

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