Chapter 6

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* Her older brother, Darius. I dont own the picture!*

~Third Person POV~

"Well, it looks like you young boys came just in time." All Might address Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki. After the attacker disappeared, All Might and Aizawa tried to track him down to no avail. Sapphire was taken to the medical center at U.A. Recovery girl sighed and sat down. "She took alot of damage, but she will pull through!" Midoriya put a hand on his heart. "Thank goodness.." Todoroki stared at Sapphire before speaking. "Who was that..?" All Might hummed and crossed his arms. "He is a part of the League of Villains. Though we know very little about him.. His quirk as you saw, was able to transform into that beast form. He also has the ability to immobilize a person with just a glare and appear and disappear." Midoriya gasped as he remembered earlier. "That's why I couldn't move!" All Might nodded as he continues. "Darius Bethman.. He and Sapphire here are a part of a ancient lineage that dates back to millions of years. A lineage of dragons blood running through their veins." Midoriyas eyes widen in shock. Even Todoroki and Bakugo was taken aback. "Hold up! So the stuff we hear in fairy tales and books, is real?!" All Might nods again at Bakugo. "That's right. Call it dragons in human form, if you will. They are completely secluded and hidden away. The people that holds these dragons quirks barely show themselves." Recovery Girl waved her finger at him. "If I can recall, you and Aizawa actually met a few and found their world, didn't you?" All three boys look to the teachers in awe. "YOU DID?!" He looks to Midoriya. "We have. We even met Sapphires father." Aizawa eyes looked down, suddenly solemn. "He was a great and powerful man. He saw good in All Might and showed us around his town. He took care of his tribe and his kin. But.. unfortunately, he didnt have much time left to live." All Might goes to Sapphire and rubs her head tenderly. "Afterwords, after losing his mother and father, I believe darkness enveloped in Darius's heart. Molding him into what he is today.." Aizawa looks to the black woman unconscious on the bed. "Its ludicrous! Her own brother... He really intended on killing her."

~Bakugos POV~

Bakugo growled, smoke from his palms. He began to shake looking at her unconscious body. Her face was twisting in pain and sadness. He hates this, he hates this!! Hates how he's feeling right now, and how beat up she is because of that bastard!! He is still trying to take this all in. Is that why she left? Her father was dying? And her mom too? Why didn't she say anything to him!? 'That asshole.. I'LL BEAT HIS ASS AND DRAG HIM TO HER TO APOLOGIZE, THEN KILL HIM!!' How dare he do this to her!? He wont get away with this!! He'll make sure that he will put a smile on her face again!!

~Todoroki POV~

All of this is hard to follow, even for Todoroki. All of this burden Sapphire has to bear. It.. reminds him of himself.. Carrying this left side with him. Just thinking about her like this pulls at his heart. Why? Hes not sure yet. But when she was in his arms in pain he wanted to destroy Darius, Regardless if she and him are related. No one should do this to her! He'll rue the day he did this to Sapphire. And Todoroki will make SURE it won't happen again.

~Midoriya POV~

That's why she left.. He even remembered passages from the letters she send him. She was in secrecy all this time.

"Its getting crazy here.."
"I can't really say where we are."

He gripped his fist in frustration. If only he was only stronger, she wouldn't be like this! He would have been able to take him down. 'Sapphire..' Midoriya looks at her with worry. When she wakes up, he'll make sure he's there for her. She wont have to hide him anymore. 'All this time you were there. Now its MY turn. I'll protect you!'

~Sapphire POV~

"Sapphire, Darius.. I'm sorry. I wont be able to watch you all on your journey. I'll.. be joining you mama soon.." The voice, familiar and warm. 'That is dad..' Sapphires eyes widen at the scene before her. Two kids standing in front of a grave. Tears fell from the children's faces as they stood in front of two tombstones. Rain began to poor as the oldest child holds the younger in his arms. "It'll be ok.. I promise I'll always be there." He then turned to the tombs glaring hard. The scene changed again to her Darius walking away from her. "Brother? Where are you going? Don't leave.. Dont leave me alone!!

Sapphire gasped and sat up straight, trying to catch her breath. She noticed she was in a patients gown. "The hospital?" "Aah you're awake!" She whirled around at a elderly woman with a lab coat and shades. "My goodness just as well. It looked like you were having a nightmare!" Sapphire looked down, suddenly noticing she felt heavy and sore. "Wha.. Oh." She remembers the battle clearly. Sapphire feels a small hand on hers. "I'm so sorry dear.. it seems like you're going through a lot." She looked at the old woman with a small smile. "Its alright miss..How long was I out for?" Sapphire leaned away from her wagging finger. "Now now! No 'miss' business. You'll make me feel old!" Sapphire pursed her lips before nodding. She wanted to say 'she was old' but that was her secret. "Hey.. you're up." Sapphire looks up at her teacher, Aizawa coming up to the side of her bed. "You've been out for a day or two. How you feeling?" Sapphire fidgeted with her hands. "I feel sore but not in pain." Aizawa nods before sighing. Going up to her, he pats her head, much to her embarrassment. "I better tell everyone outside then." Sapphire looks to him in confusion. "Everyone.. outside?" He jabs his thumb to the door. "Yeah.. had a hard time teaching class because of their constant worrying. "  Sapphire was more perplexed as he went to open the door and yell out. "Walk, don't run and be quiet. Shes awake." The sound of feet running down the hall makes Sapphire jump. "I SAID DONT RUN." Recovery girl laughed as class A tried squeezing through.

"Oow, Kacchan my foot!!"
"Then fucking move NERD!!"
"Guys one at a time!!"

Everyone poured in the small room. "Sapphire!!" Asui and Uraraka ran and embraced the shock girl. "Thank goodness your alright, ribbit!" Sapphire let out a breath as she patted Urarakas crying head. "Yes thank you but.. What are all of you doing here?" Kirishima put a hand on his hip and rubbed his nose. "What do you mean, silly! We were all worried about you! Even Bakugo!" Kirishima laughed at Bakugos 'shut up!' from the corner of the room. Midoriya squatted next to you. "Your head.. how are you feeling?" She nods and smiles to reassure everyone. "I feel alot better! Especially with everyone here!" Karimari crossed his arms in irritation. "Still that Villian!! Who was he anyway!? The jerk attacking a innocent girl.." Sapphire bit her lip and looked down. "Dont worry about it.." Aizawa put his hands in his pockets. "The hero association is tracking him down. As of now' we are going to handle it." He eyes Sapphire clenching her fist before back at the class "In the meantime it's getting late and you all have classes tomorrow. Let's wrap it up." Sapphire puts a hand on her mouth to hide her giggles at everyone's 'awww.' "But we just got here!!" Sero and Ashido protested."we even bought board games!!" Iida steps forward and adjusts his glasses. "It upsets me too, but we must continue our studies! Please rest up, Sapphire!" Iida says sternly. Everyone says their goodbyes and headed out.
'Everyone..' Sapphire shakily breathes out a sigh, intent on not crying. She hears a chuckle and feels another pat on her curls. "You're home.. Don't forget that. Rest up." Aizawa turns and walks out with Recovery Girl. Sapphire lays back down, happy and falling deep into sleep.

~Unknown POV~

He opened the door slowly of the room. Silently making his way to the black womans bed. Her hair splayed on her face, her chest rise and fell. The figure reaches and caressed the cheeks, thumb rubbing on her plump lips. He glares at the bruises on her neck and chest. He leans down and presses his lips softly on hers.


Thanks for reading!

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