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"What's wrong?" Emily said, furrowing her brows and resting a hand on my shaking shoulder.

"My God...he's gonna kill me." I murmured, fixating my eyes on the wall in front of me.

Confusion filtered onto Em's face and she opened her lips to speak, but I started to move out of my position before she could begin her questioning. One foot moved in front of the other in a frenzied hurry, and my heart was beating so loudly like a drum.

As I was about to reach the doors of the hospital, the one and only Noel Kahn almost bumped into me, his arms full of gifts. Without uttering a single word, I continued past him and kept my eyes down, not wanting anyone to see the tears in my eyes.

If Noel was A, then he tipped the cops off to mine and Ian's affair. How could he do that to me? Why would he do that to me?

Each question about Ian and Noel kept hitting into my brain like bullets, filling my thoughts. Many why's and how's and what ifs.

Fear was felt everywhere. Ian was terrifying to me, even though I put up a brave frontier around him, the man scared me senseless. From my many experiences with him, I knew he wouldn't hesitate to hurt someone who was in his way.

And currently I was his biggest obstacle.


I rolled back my shoulders, sighing in relief. I'd gone back to the hospital later in the day to get the sling removed and it felt good to be able to use both of my hands again. Obviously it wasn't perfect and I had to do exercises with it everyday, but it was better than nothing.

Currently, I was laying on my new bed in my new room in my new house. The room was very similar to my old one, with general coziness radiating around the bedroom. The curtains were a dusty pink and hung lazily from the windows, and books lined the walls, along with a few pictures from my Vogue magazines. Everything felt homely and warm.

It was pitch black outside, stars littering the sky. And then my phone rang out, Spencer's face popping up on my screen along with it.

I answered the call and held the phone up to my ear, "Hey Spence."

"Yara. You won't believe what just happened."

I furrowed my brows and sat up on my bed, "What?"

"Ian and Melissa are married. They've eloped." Spencer said down the line, her voice wavering slightly.

I could feel the color draining from my face and I cleared my throat. Ian was a complete madman, why on earth would he elope with Melissa? Did he tell her about me and him? Or was this all a ploy to deter me from going to the police to say my statement?

Quickly, I said goodbye to Spencer and made haste about pressing a new caller ID, knowing that I owed someone an explanation. Gingerly, I pressed the phone up to my ear and silently hoped Evan would pick up. He'd been released from hospital a few hours after I'd left, and we hadn't spoken since our awkward A conversation.

Thankfully, the ringing sound stopped, there was a slight crackle and Evan's weary voice echoed down the line, "Hello?"

"You need to come over, or I'll come to your house."

I could picture Evan rolling his eyes, "Can't we just talk another time."

I inhaled sharply and blurted back, "Please Evan. Just hear me out. Come round."

A long pause drifted through the phone before his reply, "Fine, I'll be there soon."

I breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you."

In response the line went dead, so I chucked my phone onto my bed and stood fully up, checking my appearance in a newly hung mirror. What I was about to explain to Evan would maybe ruin our whole relationship, and I don't think I was ready for that at all. But if I didn't be truthful with him then I might as well not bother trying to salvage it.

About ten minutes later the doorbell rang downstairs and I practically sprinted down, not wanting my Mother who was in her own bedroom asleep to wake up.

Frantically, I flung the door open and smiled slightly at Evan, stepping aside to allow him to enter my home, "I nearly went to your old house." Evan said, taking a seat on a kitchen stool.

I went to the cupboard in the kitchen and pulled out two mugs with a marble pattern, "Mint or lemon tea?"

Evan didn't reply so I just chose the lemon tea bags and shut the cupboard door harshly. After I put the kettle on the stove and joined him on the stools, avoiding eye contact at all costs, "I'm sorry I lied to you."

Evan bit his lip whilst I continued talking, "I'm going to tell you everything, but you have to promise to not form an opinion until I'm finished, okay?"

"I promise."

And so I began my story. I told Evan all about my relationship with Ian during the summer, and how now Ian was threatening me, and how he eloped with Melissa. I vented about all the drugs and drinking I did during the summer, and how I felt about Alison. I recited every detail I knew about A and I even considered bringing up the night Ali went missing, but decided against it.

Some things were just too awful to be said out loud.

After the entire explanation was finished, I looked into Evan's eyes to see an emotion I did not expect. I thought he would be sad, sympathetic, disgusted. But no, I saw anger.

Pure hatred.

"Are you angry at me?" I nervously asked, taken aback at the rage on his face.

His face softened slightly and he took one of my hands in his, "No. Well, not at you. I'm angry with Ian. I swear to g-"

"Evan you can't do anything to him. He might do something." I stuttered, although relieved Evan's anger was not directed at me.

"Yara, he's threatening you. He's deranged. You have to go to the police with a statement."

Before I could say anything else, the kettle whistled simultaneously with the door being knocked. Evan went towards the door so I padded to the kettle, carefully lifting it from the heat. Whilst I poured hot water into the two mugs Evan whipped the door opening, and I almost tipped scalding water on myself when I heard the voice at the door.

Motherf*cking Ian Thomas.

Evan glanced at me and nodded stiffly to the wall, so I backed against it outside of their view. My breathing was ragged and I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pounding in my chest. Firstly Ian spoke out, "Where's Yara?"

"She doesn't want to speak to you." Evan shortly said.

"I'm sure she can speak for herself." Ian chuckled, followed by shuffling feet, "Yara, come out here!"

Ian was a stubborn bastard, and probably wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, so I appeared from my corner and stood a few meters away from Evan and Ian, "Go home Ian, it's your wedding night isn't it?" Evan said, narrowing his eyes at Ian.

"It's hard to enjoy it when I may go to jail because of that stupid bitch." Ian spat, gesturing at me.

"I didn't tell the police Ian!" I retorted, my voice raised slightly.

"Well then who did!"

"She doesn't know!" Evan lied, "So just fuck off!"

"If you even consider giving that statement, I'll make sure you regret it!" Ian growled at me, his eyes glowering into me.

Evan slammed the door in one quick movement, locking it shortly after. His eyes connected with mine and then fell to the floor.

Guilt instantly piled up inside of me as I realized what I'd done.

I had dragged Evan into this mess.


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