Space cowboy escape

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Unknown Planet 

I screamed, as a sizzling hot knife was thrusted into my weak and skinny body by a giant insect. I was suspended above the ground dangling on my last breath. Would this be my last breath? Or would I escape in a valiant effort of a hero. No, I was caught by them and tortured by them all because they wanted some of the secrets I knew. This isn't the end was it? This wasn't the end of the even better space cowboy Welker! This was just a new beginning, a new era...of defeat. Gomez to my right and Parra to my left, both dripping blood and weak from the torture.

The giant insect spat on me and crackled with laughter. I sighed, coughing out blood as I did so. This really was the end. The bug turned his back to me and walked away, closing a door I could not see because of the blood in my eyes. My vision was limited to about 7 feet in front of me. The door must have been even farther away from me, I didn't know how far. But it was far enough that I was screwed if I messed up my escape plan.

I swung, back and forth, back and forth. The chains rattled, the floor creaked and just like that the chains came loose. I had been swinging every night to get them loose and now they finally broke. First thing I did was free Gomez and Parra with a laser knife and let them rest. We really had a chance to get freedom for the first time in months. Second thing I had to do, was to clear up my vision. I got some old rags I found on the ground and I cleaned myself, Gomez and Parra all up.

But right as I was about to find some sort of weapon, three large cricket looking monsters burst through the doors. I knew these animals, they were blind and could only smell blood. I hid behind some torture equipment and waited for the monsters to go. Click-Clack! Click, click, click, clack, clack! They were getting closer. Too close...

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