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Third Person

Upon waking up on Christmas day morning, Alex felt excited, and for the first few minutes of her being awake, she couldn't quite figure out why. She knew she was laid on her side of Zach's bed, she knew it was her sister sharing it with her and that Zach was in the living room and her dad was in the guest room.

As it was pretty quiet in the apartment, and in the apartment building all together, Alex decided to stay in bed for a while longer, and tried to go back to sleep. But with the fact she was excited for some reason, she was unable to go to sleep and instead checked her phone.

It was around 9 am, and normally Reese would be up at this time, and it was almost eerie for the whole apartment block to be this quiet. Glancing briefly at the date under the time displayed on her phone, Alex realised why she was so excited.

It was her favourite holiday which she celebrated, Christmas day. Alex had to physically resist the urge to jump up and shout that it was Christmas like she was a little kid once more. Deciding the best way to see if anyone was awake was to check the living room, Alex pulled a hoodie over the thin t-shirt she had worn to bed and got up, careful to avoid the creaks which she knew appeared on some parts of the floor.

She made her way to the living room, finding the lights in there dimmed and Zach still asleep on the couch. There was light on in the kitchen and so she assumed her dad or Zach's parents were awake and in there.

Not too keen on standing in a room full of adults waking for her boyfriend and her sister and his siblings to wake up, Alex was about to walk back to Zach's room and slide back into the warm covers of his bed, when she spotted something which just made her heart explode with love.

Next to where the families' stockings were hung, each embroided with the owner's name and stuffed full with objects, were three other stockings. One next to Zach's which read Alex's name, and then Elexis' and Sebastian's.

The family which they were staying with and spending the special day with cared so much about the Garcia's that they didn't want them to feel left out with the fact they didn't have their stockings; they were back in the Atlanta apartment. Alex just stared at them for a second, a smile so wide on her face her cheeks began to hurt, and she knew this would happen many other times during the day.

"You ok there Lex?" A raspy voice asked and Alex turned around quickly to see Zach laid on his back on the sofa, his eyes half open and stretching.

"Yeah I'm fine." Alex agreed and walked over to Zach, who reached up to wrap his arms around her waist and pulled her down onto the sofa next to him, pulling the blanket over her and holding her close. He placed a kiss on her forehead before snuggling up to her.

"Good." Zach smiled, resting his head on her chest and closing his eyes once more, a soft smile settling on his lips. "My mom got you a stocking."

"That's what I was looking at. She really didn't have to you know." Alex giggled and played with the ends of Zach's hair before feeling her eyes close once more. "I think I'm gonna have a nap."

"You just woke up though?" Zach questioned, opening an eye to look at his girlfriend, who had her eyes now closed and a smile on her lips. "I would do the same, 100% doesn't matter."

And so the pair went to sleep once more, only to be awoken later on by Reese. The younger girl pulled the blanket covering the coupl off of them, exposing their bodies to the cold air and making them sit up, waking them up almost immediately.

"It's time to open presents!" Reese jumped about, a smile on her face. The statement made Zach shoot up, looking over at Josh who nodded in the direction of Zach's bedroom. Zach then got up, leaving a very confused Alex sat on the sofa, with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders, Elexis leaning her head on her older sister's shoulder.

Myta then passed out stockings, which they opened, Alex's containing odd bits of candy, and mostly bath bombs/ lush products, makeup, smaller pieces of jewellery. The stockings were filled with the smaller items which there was no use wrapping.

"Ok so I think Zach has a very special gift to give first, and I don't think this can wait any longer." Josh said, and everyone looked over to the corridor, where Zach returned with a box, wrapped in pale blue wrapping paper and tied with a pink ribbon.

Zach walked over to Alex, placing the box next to her, and the girl moved to sit next to it on the floor. "Alex, you lost two family members this year, and I know that I can in no way replace either of them, but I thought, maybe you should have this for when you move into your new apartment." Zach said, a smile on his face as Alex pulled the ribbon loose, and carefully unwrapped the paper.

Alex jumped when she felt something move inside the box, and her eyes widened as she glanced at Zach, who was holding back a laugh. She pulled off the rest of the paper, then opened the box, eliciting a gasp from her and Elexis, who was still sat behind her on the couch.

"Zach you didn't." Alex whispered, looking into the box and raising her hand to her mouth, holding back tears as she looked at her boyfriend, who had a smile on his face as he watched her.

Alex pulled out of the box a tiny puppy, who was mainly white, but had a patch over his right eye, which was blue. It's other eye was dark brown, and the fur around it was lighter brown, mixed with white.

"Alex, I think, since you've been asking about the dog fur, it's time you met Bleu." Zach said, as Alex's jaw dropped, lifting the puppy onto her lap.


cant believe
people thought he
was cheating on
her with a dog i-

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