Chapter 1 - New Friends

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Heather's P.O.V

Its been a month since I ran away from the pack house, I am starting to grow weak from hunger, exhustion and thirst. I have NO money and for now I am running around in the forest cause I am COMPLETLY lost!

I came to a stop near the a river bank, the water was crystal clear and I can see my reflection on the surface. The grass in a healthy looking green colour and the sight is spectacular. That is until I could see another wolf's reflection on the surface.

I spun around to face him, almost jumping into the water when I saw the size of him. The wolf was an obvious Alpha and he was about 2feet taller then me. He had a strange red coloured fur and was growling a horrifing growl.

"D..Danica!" I asked panicked about what I should do.

"PAY ATTENTION YOU NIT WIT!" Danica shouted.

Just as I looked over I saw the Alpha wolf getting into a fighting position, I quickly followed suit. I watched him as he started to prepare to strike, his legs started to tense, preparing to lunge at me.

I watched as he lunged at me, I was able to counter it and I grabbed him by his flank. He hissed in pain as I bit down harder onto his leg, but before I was able to break his leg, I was thrown off him.

I growled in fustration at the new wolf. He was the Beta, power was radiating off them both.

The Beta had me pinned to the ground, I growled a annoyed and angry growl at him, but he just growled back.

I whimpered in pain as I was suddenly being pulled by the legs out of the forest. Both the Alpha and the Beta were struggling to keep me still, I wasn't going to give up though. I continued to struggle until I was thrown into a caged cell made of silver.

Jason's P.O.V

Its been a month since my sister left, I'll never forget that moment when she looked me in the eyes before she crossed the boarder. Her light brown eyes shown with excitement as she walked away.

My Mum hasn't been talking to anyone since Heather left. I don't think she will speak again till Heather forgives us. Mum would cry for hours in the first week of her disapperence, always in her room, trying to tell herself that Heather is safe.

We were never got Heather into the mind link for two reasons. 1) Cause we didn't know she was a wolf and 2) we didn't want to listen to her. I completely regret that now.

Though I can't say the same for Erica, she always hated Heather, I don't know why. When she left I thought that Erica was going to throw a party, scratch that I think she did.

Dad though, well I don't know. He hasn't been himself. On the weekends when he has breakfast with us, his eyes are always red and puffy. I think he has been crying himself to sleep.

God, we need her back!

Heather's P.O.V

"GET OUT HERE YOU SONS OF A BITCHES," I yelled through the bars, right now I am completely pissed.

I heard the creaking of the door open and close. I could hear two people coming towards me. The two men, the Alpha and the Beta. Shit!

The Alpha was about 6'3 with red hair. He was muscular and could kill you with a death stare.

The Beta was about 5'9 with brown hair, (similar to his wolfs',) and seriously scared me to death.

"Name," the Alpha said, his voice expressionless.

"That's the right way to seal a first impression," I mumbled, not meaning for them to hear.

Next thing I knew was that they were unlocking my cell and coming inside. Pure anger was on their faces.

I could feel Danica inside of me wanting to take control, so I let her. She didn't do anything first, Danica was waiting for them to make the first move.

The Alpha started to walk towards me, the Beta standing by the cell door, preventing me from running. Stupid boys.

The Alpha raised his fist at me, aiming right for the eye. Danica countered him though, she grabbed his fist, twisted it around his back and pushed him towards his Beta. They both looked at me shocked, then Danica changed into her wolf and ran at them, knocking them other in the process.

She ran up the stairs and outside, I could hear the pounding of paws on the stairs I came from and knew that they were on my trail. Who knew that I could do this much without training? 

I ran towards the forest when I heard people shouting at each other, trying to grab me. Soon enough I had the entire pack on my trail.

The forest was thick and dense, there was recent rain cause I was finding it hard to stay up on all fours. The pack was getting closer, SHIT!

I stumbled into a nearby hole, trying to hide, I was to weak to continue.

"Danica, which pack is this?" I asked while trying to control my breathing.

"Ummm, I think it is the Dark Rise Pack, they are the strongest pack in the world," she answered.

I didn't reply, I could hear the pattering of paws outside of my little hole.

"I can smell her," I heard the Alpha say. I'm guessing 'her' is me.

"Can you find her though?" I heard another male ask, might be the Beta. 

I could see a pair of male feet outside my hole, suddenly, a hand shot out and grabbed me. I was to weak to fight him off.

"I am still in wolf form, he doesn't know my name and I need to get out of here," I thought to myself, forgetting to block Danica.

"Can't......too now," Danica puffed out.

"James," the Alpha said, the Beta came over to us.

"Yes Alpha?" He asked, I guess his name is James.

"Put her back in the cell and lets not reopen it again till we know its safe to," the Alpha demanded.

The Beta.....I mean James nodded and he grabbed me. He started to pull me over to the house again, I whimpered in fright. Face it, I haven't had the best life experiences!

He looked down at me, surprise written all over his face. I rekon he is curious to know who I am, like I'm going to tell him!

James placed me down in the cell gently and sat down for a little while, staring at me. He was starting to creep me out till he spoke.

"Why are you scared?"

I disn't answer, I'm not going to share my life with a stranger who just attacked and kidnapped me! I just decided to glare at him instead.

He sighed and left me alone in the cell, to think everything over.


i know this isnt as long so dont go murdering me ok?

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