Chapter Six

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Days past and mother went out less and less. At first the two hatchlings thought nothing of it, but then the putrid smell settled in.
"Do you think a mouse died?" Oleander spoke up as him and Tashimaui stared at the wall. The white and lemon yellow hatchling didn't answer. "I always wondered what caused that type of smell. Is it the actual carcass or that maggots that feed off of it?" Sill, Tashi was silent. "The scent is pretty bad though... do you think it's something bigger?" Oleander looked over at his big sister. She was half asleep, fitting for the fact it was late into the night.
The stench was keeping them up, unlike the pile of scales in the back of the cave that made up their mother. "Don't talk 'Ander. You might wake up mother." Tashi mumbled, her voice muffled as she rested her maw against the cool stone.
"Hunger is the only thing that wakes her, but lately we have been going hungry." The young male got to his feet. "This might be one of mom's games. Maybe we are supposed to go out and try our luck at hunting!"
"What sense does that make? You've been alive for two seasons. Me, three seasons." Tashi spoke, finally picking her head up to look at him. He paused, as if to form a valid answer. "Because of instincts... and stuff. Look, if we don't hunt soon whose to say that mom will wake to hunt for us?"
The young dragoness gave her brother a blank stare before shaking her head and pulling herself up. "You know what, I don't agree with half of what you said, but I'll do anything to get out of this dreadful cave." She said as she unsteadily waddled out.
Her brother followed her out and they quickly made their escape into the valley. A cold wind blew against their scales as the night was quiet. Not even a cricket was heard chirping.
"We can try the stream." Oleander spoke. His claws were itching to sink into something and his tongue ran across his teeth at the thought of a meal. (Even if it was a slimy fish!) The sound of water pressed in on their ears, signaling to the two that they were close to a stream. Tashi lazily thought about it before she nodded along with her brother's idea. She was beyond hungry and couldn't afford to be picky.
They soon made it to the stream, but because it was so dark they were almost unable to see into the water. Tashimaui bent her head down to lap at the cold water in hopes to wake up, her brother gazing blindly at the liquid, obviously upset.
Tashimaui stilled, opening her mouth and allowing the water to cool her tongue. She sat like that for at least a minute before the water around her teeth vibrated. She snapped her jaws around the smooth scales of a dish and jumped away from the water.
She dropped the slimy creature onto the ground and Oleander watched as it flopped around, trying it's best to find a source of water. It soon stilled and the siblings were able to eat, a couple mouthfuls per dragon.
"That's had to be the best fish I've ever had!" Oleander exclaimed. His sister nodded in agreement and though their stomachs weren't full, their spirit was revived.
"We might as well go home to mother." Tashimaui spoke up. Oleander sighed. He couldn't help but agree, though he longed to stay out and away from his sickly parent.
They traveled back up the valley walls, slower than when they had left their home. Of course, when they slipped in they were met with one of the most horrific sights. Their mother was hunched over, a foul liquid spewing from her mouth. Her eyes sunken in as her chest was heaving!
"Mother?" Tashimaui called out quietly, her voice panicked. Her stomach felling queasy.
Abiliene fell onto her side. Her wings falling helplessly besides her. They had grown flimsy like fly wings during her week long rests. Holes torn into the edges. The atmosphere was quiet, as no one dared say a word.
Tashi slowly walked up to her mother, standing close enough to look at the discolored scales along the older dragoness' chest. Rising and falling faintly and uneven. Like a wounded animal on its last moments. "Mother?" She whispered, fearing the worst.

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