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The night was quiet and peaceful, only the sound of crickets and frogs were sounded. The wind was also calm, making the night time sky seem also peaceful. A tem year old girl looked through a window in boredom, her (e/c) eyes tracing everything that came by. There was a frog, a beetle, and a moth that went by. Though there were signs of boredom, her eyes were still filled with curiosity and wonder. Her name was (Y/N). She was a energetic and curious little girl with a big imagination. She had her parents and little brother, who only turned one. She loved her family so much, she wouldn't know what to do without them. Tonight, her parents were going out so they left her and her brother, Chris, with their aunt. Her and her aunt didn't talk very much, but she still enjoyed her company. The little girl just stared and stared until she heard her little brother's soft cries,

"Aunt Mary?" (Y/N) called out, expecting to get an answer..but there was none,

"Aunt Maarryyy! Chris is crying!" She called out again, but again, no answer. She sighed as she walked away from the window. She thought her aunt was somewhere else in the house, far enough to make her voice inaudible. She walked into her brothers nursery and turned on the lamp that was beside his crib. Chris was sitting up, whining, with his binky in his mouth,

"You're not supposed to be up, goofball!" She giggled, lowering the bars of the crib, and picking him up. Chris wasn't too heavy for her, so she could pick him up with ease,

"Let's go find Aunt Mary!" She chirps as she walked out of the nursery and starts to search the house. She searched the kitchen, living room, dining room, and even the bathroom, but there was no Aunt Mary. (Y/N) was starting to get worried, because her aunt would usually turn up in the kitchen whenever she wouldn't get an answer from her calls. She searched..and searched until felt her arms begin to get sore from carrying Chris everywhere. She sighed and looked at him,

"Do you think she went to the store...? ...No, she wouldn't. She'd leave a note on the fridge if she went to the store" she said with a small sigh. She was almost an inch away from calling the police, just like her mother told her just in case anybody went missing, until she heard a high pitched scream. She gasped and almost dropped Chris, but quickly regained her balance. That sounded like mom... screaming! But...but she was going out with Dad! How is that possible?! (Y/N) heard the scream in the only place she didn't look... outside. She'd never think Aunt Mary, nor her mom would go outside at this time of day...or night. There's only one way to find out whether it's in her head or not, she has to go outside. Without thinking twice, she goes to the back and opens the glass door with her free hand and rushes outside. All she saw was the pitch black, only to be lightened by the moonlight and stars. Except... something else caught her eye...a red stain in the grass, leading to the shed. Blood. (Y/N) didn't know it was blood, but the smell was horrid. She was just...too curious to leave it alone. She wanted to know. So, she cautiously made her way to the shed, clutching onto Chris and ready to run just in case if there was some kind of monster in there. Right when she turned to the corner of the shed, her heart stopped and her blood ran as cold as ice. There was pieces of two decapitated bodies that she knew for sure...was her parents,

"" She called out slightly, but she knew, even if she was only a little girl, that it was already too late. She saw the terror permanently imprinted on their faces as she clutched onto Chris, who had no idea what was going on,

"Mommy.... daddy..?" She sounded more desperate after each letter she painfully said. Tears fell onto the blood stained grass as she just stared in horror and sadness. How could this have happened?! Is this a dream?! This has to be a dream! But, when she saw the flashing lights red and blue of police cars and her aunt calling her from one of them she knew...

This was no dream.

(Aaayyye, I finally made a swapfell sans x reader. And yes, if all of you know anything about Fran Bow, you might notice a few huge references. There will be a few other references along the way, but das aight. Alright, girl, I'll see ya tomorrow *f a l l s* (If any of you know that meme, I love you) )

The Crack In Her Broken Heart (SwapFell Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now