Game, Set...

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To say she was shocked would be the understatement of the year. She hadn't even known it was possible for vampires to refuse blood, much less succubus blood at that! If she didn't think he was insane before, well now she knew the asylum was missing their star patient. How could he say no to her?! No one said no to her! She huffed and hit the water of her freshly drawn bath, since her last one was rudely interrupted. She lifted her wrist and looked at the cut that was already healed, displaying only a light pink scar that would vanish as well within the next few hours. The memory of his mouth on it, on her skin, brought a flush to her cheeks and she didn't have to ask if her eyes were gold from arousal.

Then shame filled her and she dropped her hand like dead-weight. This was wrong. So very wrong. She was sitting here upset because a leech didn't find her appealing enough to bite...and then to be aroused by his earlier actions? Ugh. What was wrong with her? Maybe she just needed to feed. Yes, that must be it. Had to.

Finishing up her bath, Felicity wrapped herself in a towel and started the process of drying her hair, the long blonde strands all curled. She hated her natural curls but doubted her master had a flatiron laying around. In fact, she doubted he had any female items around. What the hell did he expect her to wear, for starters? Suddenly, a thought popped into her head and with it a new chance to escape. Smiling deviously she came to a stand, tucking the towel tighter around her. Time for round two.

It took her an hour. An hour! To locate York. A testament to how large the mansion actually was. In her search, she had discovered three other bathrooms, six rooms, four storage closets, two libraries and three offices. And there was still about half of the mansion that was left untouched.

She found him in the last office she peeked into and paused in the doorway, staring. He looked nothing like the wound riddled bloodthirsty vampire that had rejected her earlier.

He had obviously taken a shower. His long light brown locks dark and slicked back in their damp state. He wore a dark grey crew neck shirt that was short sleeved and displayed his defined biceps. Light distressed denim encased his powerful thighs like a second skin, showing off the muscular limbs and making her mouth water. Black desert boots tied up the whole ensemble.

There wasn't a scratch on him, she realized with surprise. Meaning he had fed. He was pacing the length of his desk, his phone in one hand and a wine glass in the other. The liquid that sloshed around was red and too thick to be wine. Blood. So he had chosen to sate himself on bottled blood instead of hers? Ouch. Somehow that knowledge stung even though she knew she should be grateful.

Shrugging off the ludicrous feeling, Felicity moved fully into the room making her presence known. His eyes immediately jumped to her and she noticed they were back to being their alluring combination of green and gold. His expression was unreadable as he stared at her and she fought the urge to fidget. Instead she straightened her back and tilted her head up, refusing to be cowed down.

"Yes. Tell him I'm working on a way to safely transport us." He snapped into the phone. Silence rang out again as whoever was on the other line responded. "There's been a few...complications so it's going to take a bit longer to get everything in order but-"

Felicity watched with curious eyes as his face took on a mask of anger at being cut off. "DON'T!" He all but roared into the phone, causing even her to flinch, "cut me off again or I'll pull your tongue through the phone and relieve you of the overused muscle." He hissed.

Damn. Even though she knew that was physically impossible she didn't doubt he'd find a way.

"Just tell him what I said." He snapped harshly before ending the call. His eyes were back on her and his full focus with them. He took in her towel clad body and messy blond curls with such obvious interest it made her cheeks heat.

"That was quite the performance you put on in my kitchen" he commented, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Would you like to fill me in on why you were beating my friend senseless?" His tone was casual, airy, but she knew a deeper emotion laid in waiting underneath. Sauntering into the room, she ran her hands over every object she passed, pausing in front of a Matryoshka Doll and beginning to fiddle with it.

"We had a disagreement on who was in charge" she said with a shrug. "But I'm sure he sees things my way now after our little discussion". Her voice dripped sweetness as she finally turned and smiled at him. He frowned in return.

"Do I truly need to remind you that you were on your way to becoming a dartboard when I stepped in and saved your ass?" He asked incredulously. She placed the Nesting Doll back down and walked over to him, an extra swing in her hips that by his darkening gaze, he appreciated.

"And what a fine ass it is." She said with a wink, before adding, "thank you." Her voice softening. He blinked, clearly confused by her seemingly genuine thanks considering she'd been nothing but sarcastic since she got here.

Clearing his throat, he stepped back, putting a bit more space between them. "Of course. I paid far too much for you to simply become target practice." He turned and moved around the desk, sinking into the plush cream chair behind it.

Felicity fought the urge to smack him across the face for insinuating she was property. Would it have killed him to just simply accept her thanks?! Fine. She could play this game too. After all, she'd come in here with a goal in mind. Curling her lips into a saccharine smile she walked to his side of the desk and hopped up.

He turned slightly wide eyes to her and they narrowed when she crossed her leg and the towel hiked dangerously high. "Get down." He gritted out. She ignored him. "Yes, yes you did pay a lot for me." His eyes narrowed even more. "And you saved me because you're my master?" She questioned. Suspicion radiated off him but he gave her a stiff nod anyways.

"And as my master you want what's best for me?" She pressed.

A grunt was his response.

"And as my master you have to take care of me..." She leaned forward till she was almost laying down on the desk, her face a few inches apart from his. Her voice took on a sultry edge and she reached out to play with a drying lock of his hair. "...Care of all my needs, desires?" She licked her lips and his gaze followed.

"Yes" he agreed, voice husky and downright climax inducing. She smirked. Gotcha!

- - - - - -


Annnnnd, we're back!! I am so happy to post this and I hope you lovelies are too! It's been a long time but I've truly missed these two and it seems like they're still up to no good! 

Like always, if you liked it leave me a comment or drop me a vote! 


- Naughty

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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