Mixing Pleasure is Risky Business

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Felicity paled the moment she realized she might have pushed him too far. When he left earlier she didn't plan to exactly raid his liquor cabinet. At first, she'd poured herself a glass of the already opened cognac in hopes the smooth burn of it would replace the sweet burn of...something else. When it didn't, she got even more pissed and then one glass turned into two...then four...then she stopped counting. It didn't help that the man had fine taste in alcohol. Most of the bottles she'd seen in the cabinet were so rare and aged it was obvious he was a collector and valued his stash. Smiling wickedly she had just started randomly pulling bottles, finishing one after the other as she nosed around his room. Along the way, she had gotten too drunk to focus on anything but her anger...so when his annoying, but admittedly, handsome face appeared in the doorway she saw red.

Now she was wishing she could retrace some of her steps and avoid bringing to surface the raging anger that was currently aimed at her. Fuck Fel, how are you gonna get out of this one? The vamp was clearly unstable, most likely belonged in an asylum and, as he proved earlier, a sadistic fuck... Yeah, the near future was looking a little dark. As he charged towards her Felicity took off with a curse towards the bed, intending to scramble over it and enter the adjoining bathroom. What she would do once there, she didn't know, but it would be another door between them. Though she had a feeling it wouldn't be there for long.

She didn't get a chance to find out as York intercepted her path and grabbed her around the waist. She opened her mouth, a snappy retort on her tongue, but it died in her throat when she found her back pressed against the soft mattress and his weight settled over her. He tsked and grabbed her chin deceptively gentle. "Have you any idea the deals I've made over the centuries to obtain those?" He hissed heatedly. Felicity squirmed, trying to push him off while she glared daggers at him. "I'm sorry, is this the part where I pretend to care?" getting a foot free, she drew it up between them and planted it on his stomach. She kicked out and he went flying, tumbling off the bed. She turned over and rose to her knees, crawling across the massive bed on hands and knees. His hand snatched her ankle and she yelped as he pulled her towards him. "I'd be careful how you turn that pretty little ass towards me" He breathed, the anger in his voice mixed with something else, something that made her blood heat.

"Why? You gonna spank me again?" she asked when he flipped her to her back once more and pulled her towards the edge of the bed. He stepped between her legs, leaning over her. His eyes clouded with unmistakable lust and her Succubus nature answered, clawing inside her for permission to play. She wanted to. Oh God did she want to, and in any other circumstance she would have pulled him down towards her and made sure the bed was broken before they left it. Unfortunately, the laws of commonsense dictated she sorta kick his ass. "Don't tempt me" he murmured, his eyes dropping to her lips. Hers did the same and she relaxed against the bed, an idea coming to mind. The soft mattress welcomed her petite frame and her back arched ever so slight, her full breast rising and falling as she breathed a little hard. His eyes blazed fire as they trekked unhurriedly down her body and Felicity swore she could feel it caress against her skin as real as if his fingers were running over her.

Warmth bloomed in her stomach and pooled low into a heated puddle. Her thighs attempted to clench together but all they did was squeeze against the muscular legs of the domineering male between them. She didn't have to ask if he knew the state her body was in. In fact, she knew that her nipples were pearled and pressed against the material of her dress and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. His body went rigid, his expression unreadable even though his eyes spoke volumes. Slowly, he lowered his head towards her and she bit her lip, anticipation swelling in her chest. A little closer... York stopped just a breath away and his brows furrowed as if in confusion as he lifted his hand to run his thumb over her plump bottom lip. Tugging it free of her teeth and pulling down ever so slightly.

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