15|| I promise

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Violet P

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Violet P.O.V

You know that feeling you have when you wake up in the arms of someone you love and you never want to leave? Yeah that's me right now,loving the feeling of my boyfriend naked body pressed against mine as he plays with my hair.

After brad told me he loved me we stayed at the beach for a little while then we went out for dinner and had a nice romantic dinner then we went back to my apartment (Jackie and Jamie were out all night partying) had a night of romance, something so amazing and I'm finally feeling complete.

"What you thinking about?"brad asked as he press his lips on my head.

"Just how much I love you."I look up at him and he smiles and kiss my lips.

"I love you too."he pulls away and peck my lips.

Now me and brad relationship has taken on a new level I think it's time for me to tell him my story.

"Brad?"i look up and see his eyes closed.

"Hmmm."he hums in repose.

"Now our relationship is stronger and everything and I was thinking is time I tell you my story."I say as I set up pulling the covers closer to my chest.

"What is it?"brad asked as he sits too but leaning against the pillows.

"Well...when I was sixteen I was in this relationship and I thought this men was going to be the men I marry but I was wrong,I was so wrong we were together since we were thirteen and stupid me thought he give me the world but again I was wrong. He told me he love me and we be together forever no matter what,but when I turn sixteen and he was seventeen he took me to this-well force me to this party i didn't want to go because I had exams but kept begging me and so I went. And as so we got in the party he drink so much and didn't stop till he took me to one of the rooms and he-"I cut myself when I began to sob uncontrollably.

Brad pull me in his arms and kiss my head as he rock us back and forth.

"You don't have to."brad whisper but I shock my head and wipe my tears.

"You need to know."I say and he nods and kiss my head.

"He push me down on the bed and climb on top of me and he knows I haven't done it and he knew I wasn't ready but he wouldn't stop he kept going,he hit me to make me stop hitting him and I gave up I couldn't fight him he rape me and after he was done, he passed out and I ran back home and I ran into my dad room and told him that's when his wife got in his head it was my fault. So he didn't believe me and I couldn't go to the police because they say I'm to young but I wasn't the man I love hurt me. The next day he apologize and I told him no and we had this big fight and he said he's been cheating on me and I broke down again as soon as he left, and that's why I'm here to get away from him and my dad all the guys I loved lies to me my father lied and my first loved lied to me."I cry and brad holds me again.

"I never do that to you baby I promise, I love you too much to lose you I promise you."brad kiss me and I smile as I wipe my face.

"Brad...promise me you never lied to me or keep secrets from me."I grab his hand and he looks at it for a second and smile.

"I promise."brad seals the promise with a kiss.

Then all sudden his phone rings.

"Ugh."brad groans as he grabs his phone and answer it.

"Hello?......Really now?.....mate is nine clock.....ugh fine I Be there."brad saids and I sigh knowing he has to leave.

"Babe I'm sorry but I'm hav-"I cut him off and press my lips against his kissing him passionately,he grabs my face and our lips move in sync.

He pulls away and sighs.

"I love you."brad saids and I smile.

"I love you too."I peck his lips then he gets off the bed and puts his clothes on.

I put on my pajamas shorts and a Tee shirt brad left here once once brad was dress he fix his hair, and we both walk out the room hand in hand till we get to the door and we both pout Making each other laugh.

"I love you and I promise I call you later okay."brad saids and I nod and kiss him.

"I love you be careful."I say and he nods.

"Love you too bye."brad leaves and I sign and lean against the door.

I push myself off the door and walk in the kitchen to make me some coffee,I put the coffee grinds in the pot as I wait for it to finish.

Then two annoying voice comes in the kitchen yes you guessed it right Jackie and Jamie.

"Good morning."Jackie smiles.

"Good morning."I smile back.

"I heard you crying this morning is everything okay if brad broke your heart I kill him."Jackie warms and I chuckle.

"No quite the opposite, I told him about my ex."I say and Jackie puts down the eggs and pull me in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you,I'm glad you trust him enough to tell him he's a keeper."Jackie smiles and I nod.

"He told me he loved yesterday."I grin and Jackie gasp and hugs me again.

"I'm so happy for you Vi."Jackie smiles.

"Me too."I say as I pull away and fix my coffee.

"I'm so happy for you too violet,so happy that I give you these."Jamie saids as he give us a pair of tickets and I look at them.

"The vamps?"Jackie saids confused.

"Yeah someone at my work couldn't go so they give me the tickets for me and you but I don't care so you girls can go."Jamie takes my coffee and drinks it and I scowl at him.

"I heard one song of theirs but that's it I only listen to indie music I don't care but I go if you go."I shrug.

"I go I mean I'm not a fan but I'm not wasting on the tickets so."Jackie saids and I nod.

"But now come one we have a lot to talk about brad."Jackie grabs my and lead me to living room for a long chat about brad.
Idk about you but I'm smelling drama
Brad promised he never lie to violet he already has

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