7|would he care?

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Violet P

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Violet P.O.V

"Aren't you happy that I force you to install tinder."Jackie saids as she takes a bite of her bacon that her boyfriend made.

"Yeah I am."I smile at her and she claps excitedly and I roll my eyes.

"Chill babe they only been on one date."Jamie laughs at her as he sits down to eat his breakfast.

"Yeah but they already have sex so."Jackie smirks and Jamie chokes on his food.

"You guys already had sex wow."Jamie saids in shock and I roll my eyes again.

"Thanks Jackie why don't you tell the whole world."sarcasm fills my voice.

"Maybe I will."Jackie mocks me.

"So what's you and your lover doing today?"Jamie asked and I shrug.

"He has to work today."I say and Jamie nods.

"Even tonight?"Jackie asked.

"I don't know I never asked,I didn't want to sound to Clingy."I say honestly and Jackie pouts.

"You should text just let him know you're thinking about him."Jackie saids.

"Would he care?"I asked,i never been in a relationship so I don't know these things.

"Yes he would care,you told him about your life I'm pretty sure he would care."Jackie smiles.

I blush and smile just thinking about brad and our date and everything about him is amazing I'm so glad I got tinder.

"Now get your pretty little ass in your room and text brad."Jackie saids and I chuckle and walk in my room.

I sit down on my bed and text brad.

Hey Bradley thinking about you,text me when you're on break or off work Xx

Everything about him is perfect there's nothing not perfect he's sweet,romantic,charming and I feel like he's trust worthy I like that about him.there nothing bad I can say about him specially after telling him about my life and I love how he sit there and listen he's just perfect.

My thoughts got cut off when my phone ding and I saw brad text me back.

I'm on break so I'm free to talk to you and I miss you too Xx

I smile at the text and bite my lip as I write back.

I'm looking forward for the next time I see you Xx

I press sent and fall on my bed.

Me too I can't wait to feel your lips on mine I'm so excited maybe we can go out tomorrow the whole day? Xx

I would love that anywhere you like to go? Xx

I got a few places in mind...Question do you like swimming?

If I like swimming babe I was raised in La I lived for the water so of course I like swimming Xx

True okay will be there tomorrow I pick you just bring a swimsuit I say around 12:00 o'clock sound good? X

Sounds good see you then X

Okay babe bye X

Bye Bradley Xx

"Someone smiling."Jamie voice echo in my room making me jump.

I scowl at him and roll my eyes.

"What do you want?"I huff and he smiles.

"Me and jack are going to the store want anything?"he asked and I shake my head.

"Okay will see you later."Jamie saids and I wave bye.

I love them I really do but they sure can be annoying.

Once he was gone I grab my journal and a pan before writing a good story about love sounds fun now because I despise love but now I'm actually I love it maybe this will be good for me.

I haven't been happy since my dad doesn't want anything to do with me but now I'm happy again and because of a app that I met the person that makes me happy.

It's crazy what a app can do.
I'm sorry it's short but I will another one later

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