7. In plain sight

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The salty ocean breeze carried the sounds of laughter and shouts over the dunes.

Taehyung could hear the faint beat of bass bleeding through the din, but couldn't make out what song was playing as he and Mina trudged up the steep, sandy slope.

"I'm glad we came a little late, maybe they'll be drunk already," Mina sounded nervous, clutching her bag more tightly to her chest.


Taehyung couldn't figure out why she seemed timid all of a sudden. She'd been singing at the top of her lungs with him in the car only minutes before, completely care-free as they drove down the highway with the windows open.

"I don't know, it'll just make talking easier, I guess"

"You've never seemed nervous to talk to them before,"

She shrugged. "Yeah, but I've also never hung out with them outside of school. With their other friends,"

"I'm sure it won't be much different,"

"Yeah, maybe,"

"Do you know who else is coming?"

"Probably Jin's girlfriend, San- I mentioned her before, she's a really good dancer, and probably one of the prettiest girls in our grade. I'm friendly with her in school. And Changmi, Jungkook's friend. Well, she's friends with the other boys too, but he's definitely her favorite. Maybe Yunho, Taemin, Mira, a few of their other dance friends? After that I'm not sure, your guess would be as good as mine,"

"Huh," Taehyung absentmindedly replied, distracted by the glow of a bonfire coming into view, down by the water. The chatter was starting to take shape in little shadowy forms in the distance. "Well at least you'll know them all. I have no clue what I'm walking into,"

"It's ok, the boys seemed to like you, and if they like you, everyone does. And you've got me,"

As comforting as it was to have a friend, Taehyung kind of wished they'd taken something to drink on their walk to the beach. Just to dull the nerves. He was sick of being nervous around these people though, and if Mina was going to get all shy now, then he had to be extra brave. He just had to believe he belonged, and he would. Right?

"The last of us have arrived!" Yoongi announced grandly when he saw Mina and Taehyung approaching, clearly already a bit drunk.

Everyone was scattered around the bonfire, drinks in hand. Except for two shadows darting around down by the waves, running this way and that in what looked to be a game of stay-dry-or-die. The waves were especially big tonight.

A few familiar faces came into focus. Jin sat comfortably on a log, a pretty girl tucked under his arm. San. Mina had been right, she was pretty cute. Short black hair hovering above her shoulders, doe eyes, long legs. She was smiling at whatever Jin had been saying before they'd walked up.

Changmi stood on the opposite side of the fire with another girl and guy Taehyung didn't recognize, who were still chatting amongst themselves. Changmi gave him a friendly nod to say hello. Hobi stood with them as well, another unfamiliar boy on his left.

"Here they are, indeed," Namjoon approached, two beers in hand. "Welcome to our humble abode, please make yourself at home, drink, and be merry. That's all we ask of you," He goofily kneeled in front of Mina and Taehyung, raising his voice even louder than before, holding the beers out in front of them. "May I present you with a token of my gratitude,"

"Whoa, Joon, nice hair," Mina laughed as she took the beer. Taehynung couldn't make out what she was referring to in the low fire light. "And Thanks,"

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