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After those few days slowly turned into weeks,Dream was slowly thinking that his idea wasn't pull through like he had hoped.

Hope,what a silly thing he believed in.

His mind wandered to places he promised he'd never think about again,like opening an old wound it stung and became a permanent scar in his mind,he wonders how old him stay so cheerful and positive through all of this before everything turned to shit,before the apple incident,the old him just seems to be someone he knew a long time ago that never came back,an old friend.

What happened to him?

He sadly chuckled,some guardian of positivity he is,being all sad and miserable.

This cell was driving him up the walls and hated how it seemed to be working ,how such a simple plan can break him and corrupt his mind to think of unimaginable things,he should be stronger but he's no stronger than a piece of a lacrimal bone.

He longingly stared at the door where the two guards were,his minding wandering to dark thoughts again as he struggled against them-- god one minute he's fine next he's spiraling down to depression!—it's driving him crazy!

When he heard the sounds of talking he snapped back into reality and there was another guard talking to the other two,the doors opened once more and the third guard walked in,Dream looked up at the guard curiously but nervously in a way.

"Get up" he commands "we're moving you out"

Dream nearly choked,standing up in shock "Wait what?"

The other two guards walked to face behind his back,pointing their spears towards him as the third guard spoke.

"Nightmare has order us to train you as a servant to serve under the Nightmare gang,in order to do that we need to transport you to another secure place" he explained while Dream watch on in disbelief.

So Error was telling the truth,he'd actually help him despite all their indifference?

His chain was undone except for the cast that was around his leg,Dream yelped as the guards poked him the back and Dream subconsciously moved along to where they wanted him to got,following the third guard.

Stairs.why were there so many stairs!?!

Dream was constantly tripping over himself due to his malnutrition body and weak knees--but every time he'd slowed down,even for a split second,the guards would just stab him the the back,his body was screaming at him to stop every step of the long trip,during it he kept mental notes of how the place look,the halls were ridden with papyrus guards doing daily chores or just standing near doorways,his brother seem to admire a classic and authentic aesthetic as it was draped with a purple hue palette.

The group came to a halt to a amendoim wood door that two small openings one above and one on the ground,possibly used to give the prisoner servant their food.

The guard unlocked the door and opened it "This shall be your new room,you are not to leave until you have been called upon by either us or by someone in the Night gang.Do i make myself clear?"

Dream nodded tiredly as he was shoved into the room and the door locked behind him,the room was incredibly dark he pressed his hands against the wall searching for a light,he felt a switch and flipped with and the light flickered on.

His eyes adjusted to the light as the room came into better view.It was way better than that old cell,heck anything was better than a cell.There was an small desk with couple of unlit candles lying on it,next to it was a wardrobe that had a few claw marks but looked pretty intact and..

A bed.

Dream didn't bother to think as he practically threw himself onto the bed,not caring about taking off his clothes or going under the plain blankets—he just lay there.It wasn't the most comfortable bed he had ever been on but screw it,a bed is a bed.

He rolled over to face the ceiling,while he feels grateful for getting a much better room he does slightly worry what his brother wants from him and what did Error mean that his brother 'wanted to talk'.

Dream yawned,he hadn't really thought about how exhausted he was--stars he felt like he couldn't move he was way too comfortable in this position.

His bones felt heavy as he sunk more into the bed,his skull was swirling with thoughts but most were blurry and didn't make much sense in his fatigued head ---his eyelids droop..maybe it couldn't..hurt to rest his eyes perhaps...

If it keeps you warm,Keep it close (dreammare/nightdream fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now