two. who the hell are you?

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AS SOON AS she was out of the school's gates, Rhea found herself running to a shop called Delmar's Deli-Grocery. Peter had left Mira with a friend of his, Mr Delmar, who willingly took her in until Rhea could fetch her. Her thoughts started wandering to her first day of school which she enjoyed a lot more than she thought she would. She got along perfectly with Peter, Eva and Ned, it was as if they were predestined to be her friends before she even knew what friends are.

In about 10 minutes, she had reached the store that Peter had dubbed "best sandwich in Queens", although she would have to try them another time, perhaps even prove him wrong if she could. "Hi, Mr Delmar! I'm Rhea, the girl Peter told you about," greeting the man who stood behind the counter, his face immediately lit up upon hearing her name. Returning her a friendly smile, he gently placed the same shoebox with the same, fragile kitten peacefully resting in it into Rhea's arms.

"I'm sure this little one would be very grateful to its new owner," he added genially, in which Rhea thanked him warmly before they both waved each other goodbye.

Ah right... I might have to stop by home before heading to the vet, don't think I'll have enough to pay the fees, Rhea considered before making a complete U-turn, walking past several more shops and busy streets until an alleyway came into view, the same one that she took as a shortcut in the morning and met tiny Mira.

However, seems like her walk through the alleyway would be just as eventful as in the morning. The bad kind of eventful.

This time, she saw a rather stout guy, perhaps a few years older than her, holding up a slimmer boy by the collar of his shirt before shoving him forcefully onto the trash-ridden floor. "Where's the money you promised?"

She could've just turned the other way, walk the longer route back home. Instead, she sighed at the imbecile beating the crap out of somebody in broad daylight. Finding the cleanest corner of the alley, she placed the shoebox down and strode towards the source of the ruckus.

"Hey!" Rhea called out, already regretting it the moment his exasperated eyes met hers, "Pick on someone your own size." (If you understood this reference, I love you)

Smirking maliciously which sent fright coursing through her veins, he swaggered towards her so incredibly arrogantly that all she wanted to do was to punch his teeth in and hope he chokes on them. "What? Like you?" He snickered. Practically not. He towered over her, and her regret was more or less replaced with apprehension.

She quickly gestured to the poor boy behind him to run, which he immediately did and most unfortunately, caught the asshole's attention. It merely took a split second for him to deliver a hefty punch to Rhea's cheek, the impact causing her to fall.

For a few seconds, it didn't quite register in her head that she just got punched, and all she could hear was the unsettling sound of a jarring thud ringing in her ears. She wanted to grab Mira and run, but the ringing couldn't stop and her balance was off the charts, she could barely stand with the world spinning around her. Until a voice joined her noisy head.

You're really thinking of just running? After what he did to you?

That wasn't her thought. Who the hell are you?

I'm here to protect you. Let me help.

No! Who-

The voice didn't even let her finish.

When Rhea remained on the floor, the deemed asshole decided it was time to resume his endeavours as he turned his back on her to leave the scene. Big. Mistake.

Quicker than he took to hit her, she was up on her feet before dealing a strong blow to the back of his leg, causing the lower region of his leg to snap forward and forcing him onto his knee. That was when her elbow connected with his jaw which threw him onto the ground.

She rammed her knee down onto the side of his hip bone, earning wails of pain from him that could have damaged her eardrums if she wasn't so overtaken by her desire to... harm. If her anger was visible, the air would have turned scarlet.

She spotted an empty beer bottle among the trash, hastily gripping the neck of it in her hand before slamming it down just next to his head, smashing it into glittering fragments that laid on the floor like little daggers, some of which left cuts on the face of the poor, unfortunate victim to her wrath.

"I'll make you regret ever hurting her."

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" he shrieked in terror, eyes begging for mercy. But mercy didn't exist to her, for she was born from the very lack of it.

She raised the now-jagged and sharp edges of the bottle severed in half above him, her eyes shone with sickening malignance. "I'm finally free," she grinned victoriously.

She was about to kill him and enjoy watching him die a slow, painful-

The bottle was pulled away from her hand like it was nothing, distracting her from her sinister intentions, and that proved the perfect distraction for the victim to push her off of him and scurry away to survive.

She instantly turned to see who foiled her almost-perfect plan-

-a masked vigilante in spandex.


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qotd !! ;
would you rather revive heimdall or the ancient one?

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