twenty. backup plan

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HER FINGER PUSHED against the dial icon, leaving a scarlet fingerprint beneath the goofy picture Rhea took of Peter when they were doing research for their Physics group project. It was a conduit of Rhea's best memories, a source of solace for her and pure, genuine happiness that she can never return to after today, when the unruly has put a dead Lydia Abner on her hands and possible criminal records on her and Peter's names.

First degree murder would look good on you lovebirds.

And a dead bitch? Even better.


Somehow, even if he no longer meant anything to the unruly, the faint sound of his voice sparked a glimmer of merriment in her eyes. Once he arrives, the plan will be complete and she'll be granted a lifetime of triumph with her purpose fulfilled in this poor, god foresaken world.

All she had to do, was be Rhea one last time.

Lydia sprung up, blood leaking from her forehead and outrage rising like an impossible buildup of steam, scalding her on the way out as she seized the phone from the unruly's hands and threw it out of the window.

The unruly never feared anyone. It was only recently that she realized, she only feared those who posed a threat to her plans. And now, Lydia Abner, the only thing her entire life revolved around, was about to ruin everything for her. She was about to cut her plan short, and there would be no redoing it or recorrecting it-

-she might even end up "accidentally" murdered after all. Like father like daughter.

Lydia's balled fist collided against her cheekbone, flaying her neck backward like a willow caught in the wind as she fell onto the ground with a dull, painful thud. Adrenaline was surging through the unruly fast, nausea gripping hold of her entire brain and saliva thickening in her throat. She couldn't think straight and her heart was screaming, telling her to just let it all go, stop ruining Rhea's life, stop being desperate for revenge; 

stop doing everything for the sake of Lydia.

Everything she has done since she came into existence was for that woman. Being all sweet to her so she would trust her and that would lead to the death of Lydia Abner. Murdering Aiden Mills so that she could torment Lydia Abner. Planting notes for murder plans in Rhea's notebooks and involving Peter's name in those said plans so that they would be charged for pre-mediated murder of Lydia Abner

Lydia, Lydia, Lydia, the sickening sound of her name running through her mind over and over again for every single thing she has ever done is driving her insane.

She started to feel insane for existing.

"Why?! Too scared to face me now? Too WEAK?!" Lydia guffawed hysterically as she stood above her own daughter, looking down on her as if she herself finally won the fight.

However, by then, the unruly wasn't there to listen anymore. She had lost. And she finally accepted it. She couldn't get to call Peter on the phone and rush him to come over, and she also couldn't frame Rhea and Peter for the murder afterwards, her plan was left incomplete. Because she only ever leaves when the pain gets too much to endure. Perhaps, she did have fears after all. 

However, a slight hint of hope still gnawed at her, that maybe, just maybe, her plan would be completed by someone else, 

someone else of the same hatred as her towards Lydia. And so, she was glad that hatred bonded her with Rhea, because then-

-the unruly's backup plan would work. A master of deception, improvisation and forward-planning she was.

"Staying silent, huh?" This time, a soft chuckle instead of Lydia's hysteria. A chuckle that showed she was letting her guard down.

At this point, Rhea was engulfed by nothing but pain, and she wanted it all to end. But somehow, her gut feeling kept telling her: End Lydia.

And somehow, she listened.

"Are you... going to murder me too? Like Dad?" She propped herself up with a trembling arm, eyeing the penknife hidden in between two shelved books on her desk. How did it get there? She thought.

Lydia merely rolled her eyes, taking a few steps towards her, voice tinged with poison, poison she wanted Rhea to taste. "Every single fucking time, you would mention him. Why? You think his death still taunts me to this day? I've already let go of him, Rhea! You should too," she spat, with furrowed eyebrows and slowly re-boiling rage, "Stop being so hung up on him. HE'S DEAD."

Rhea forced herself up, using the desk as support to maintain her balance in the suddenly spinning room. Wet blood soaked her clothes and seeped through her skin. But her desire... her sudden, unexpected desire to harm was getting greater and greater.

She was turning into the unruly, yet she didn't even know.

"Really, Mom? I thought... I thought you killed him for the compensation money you'll get if he dies..." Rhea gritted her teeth at a sudden sharp pain that throbbed in her head, but she didn't care. "Twenty thousand dollars, was it? Quite a hefty amount." 

A part of Rhea beamed at Lydia's horrified silence. From her face that looked as if her deepest, darkest fears cut loose their chains and invaded her entire system, to the pure look of horror that lies beneath her facade to mask it. Perhaps, her fear was even starting to erode her.

"How did you use the money? Hm, I don't know," Rhea shrugged, "to buy a designer bag to impress your colleagues? Instead of paying for proper funeral services? Oh, I know, you spent it on everything but us, because all you know how to do is lie your way out, that's why Dad wanted a divorce sooner or later, and you couldn't accept that!"

"ENOUGH." A shout. Panting. Heavy breathing. Terror. Desperation. Lydia wanted to beg for forgiveness.

"What do you want from me...?" Voice shaking.

"Revenge." Rhea smiled.

- - - - -

qotd !! ; 
which do you prefer: the avengers or avengers: age of ultron?

a little note: i initially wanted to make this chapter the very last one to this fanfic but i soon realized it might be too long of a chapter to include everything i want in the ending! so it's highly likely that the next chapter would be the last one.

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