twenty-one. i'm sorry

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THE SUDDEN NEED for revenge was like a rat gnawing at her soul. Relentless. Unceasing. And it could only be stopped by the cold steel of a rat trap, a trap she would devise herself.

Her hatred would last until she died or succeeded in revenge, whichever comes first.

"What do you mean?" Lydia chuckled nervously, thrown off by the sweetness of Rhea's smile, a smile so genuine that the last time she ever saw anything like that was when her husband was alive. Since then, Rhea was never the same again.

She remembered Rhea being terribly afraid of her. A little increase in the volume of her voice would send her crying to her room as a toddler. A little inch of grumpiness on her face would cause her to tremble in front of her as a tween. 

Now, not even a scream would stop Rhea from implying murder as a teenager. It all changed when they moved here, she got a little braver, ill-natured and... a lot more sinister.

What happened to her sweet and obedient daughter who was easy to manipulate and trick? Who is this girl standing in front of her now? 

Rhea reached out towards her desk, rummaging through her books before gripping tightly onto a heavy duty penknife, so incredibly sharp that it looked like it must have been recently sharpened. 

Lydia's eyes started to water just like toddler Rhea did when she raised her voice, and she found herself starting to quiver, even though New York has been nothing but a city with a rising temperature, just like tween Rhea did when she looked even a tad bit angry.

It was all coming in full circle. She raised her up to be like this. A murderer raising up a murderer. Who'd knew?

Who'd knew a child would turn on her own mother?

"Rhea, listen to me, you don't have to do this!" In the intense silence and her body starting to go limp, she somehow yelled with her entire body, her eyes wide with horror, mouth rigid and open, chalky face gaunt and immobile, fists clenched with blanched knuckles and nails digging deeply into the palms of her hands. 

She dropped onto her knees as her head sunk low, beginning to sob with more violence than any gale. "I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" They were mere indecipherable words that led to a desperate apology Rhea couldn't understand. Anyways, it's not like it would mean anything to her now.

Dad's already dead. What good is apologising for?

"You're so fucking useless." Rhea muttered under her breath, looking down on the woman who was now begging for her life and with despair, promising that she would turn over a new leaf. A new leaf? Only when your life is being threatened?

Rhea started drowning out her worthless ramble, until a specific set of words caught her attention amidst the sobbing and inaudible words spoken through heavy, shallow breaths. "I'll turn myself in! I'll confess to killing your Dad, I'll confess to killing Aiden Mills!"

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