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[unknown number]: hi, is this mandy?

[mandy]: probably. who is this?

[unknown number]: i'm luke :-)

[mandy]: luke who
[mandy]: idk any luke
[mandy]: bye

[unknown number]:but i know you
[unknown number]: well, at least i want to know you

[mandy]: creep
[mandy]: how you get my number?

[luke the creep]:from michael

[mandy]: who the fuck is michael
[mandy]: is this kind of joke

[luke the creep]: no its not a joke at all
[luke the creep]: your cousin michael?

[mandy]: michael clifford? how do you know him?

[luke the creep]: we go to school together
[luke the creep]: were friends

[mandy]: cool. good to know. whatevs. bye

[luke the creep]: wait! can we at least be friends?

[mandy]: no thanks. bye

[luke the creep]: :-(
[luke the creep]: :'-(
[luke the creep]: :"-(
[luke the creep]: :"'-(
[luke the creep]: :'""-(

[mandy]: STAHP
[mandy]: i still dont understand why mike gave you my number

[luke the creep]: he said that we can be friends
[luke the creep]: he said that i can text you anytime
[luke the creep]: he said that youre kinda lonely

[mandy]: he sAID WHAT

[luke the creep]: youre lonely. but thats ok
[luke the creep]: nothing to be ashamed about
[luke the creep]: so.... can we be friends?

[mandy]: i'll think about it after i kill my cousin

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