Ch.1 "The First Day"

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There I was in Los Angeles, standing in front of the high school I was dreading to enter. You can just guess how miserable I was, knowing I was the new girl during my last year of high school. All I could think about was my friends back in New York and, especially my best friend Christina. Me and Christina have been friends since we were born, basically being forced to like each other since our moms were best friends. She was practically my sister, and now having to go to a new school without her, let alone be across the country from her has been pretty rough. I hear the bell ring signaling that I should start heading to class....damn I really didn't want to be here.
I head to my locker grabbing the binder I need for first period, which is Spanish. I hated Spanish, but I pushed through so I could go on the senior trip to Spain at the end of the year.....hehehehe yeah ik petty. I arrive to my Spanish class to see the teacher has put sticky notes with our names on them to show where we are sitting. All I can think to myself is 'great I'm gonna be sitting next to some weird ass kid for the rest of the year'. I find my name and read the name of my lab partner. The sticky note reads 'Jack Avery'.....hmmm maybe he's hot.
As the bell rings I watch the door and watch as I see this sexy angel walk in the room. He sits down next to me, wow ok, I guess this is Jack, and let me tell you, he's one fine lookin dude. The teacher walks in introducing herself, "Good morning class, I am Mrs. Rett and welcome to first period Spanish". She talks the whole class, explaining what this year is going to be like. I didn't listen to one word, being too mesmerized by the hot boy sitting next to me. He looks over catching me staring at him as the bell rings signaling class has ended. Wow ok so Spanish is going to be fun this year😉
I walk to my next class which is math, and it was as boring as it sounds. I had a free period next, so I decided to leave and go get breakfast. I returned right before fourth period. I headed to my locker to grab my binder for science as I bumped into someone causing my books to drop out of my hands. I look up and see this beautiful boy standing in front of me apologizing while picking up my books. He looks at my with his bright blue eyes and dark brown hair and introduces himself. "Hi I'm Daniel" he says as I answer back with the simple response of "Hey I'm Gabbie". He sees my science binder showing the name of the teacher and asks with a huge smile on his face, "you're going to science?" "Yeah" I say smiling after seeing his cute little tooth gap. He answers saying "omg me too, let's walk together". We have a nice conversation in the hallway as I talk about how I just moved from New York and how it's a lot different here in California than there.
We walk into science class and he sits next to me. All I could think about was thankfully now I have someone to talk to, making me look like less of a loser. A few periods pass by and it's 8th period, time for lunch...yeah shit I'm nervous, who the fuck am I gonna sit with. I walk in the lunch room to see Daniel sitting with jack who was in my first period Spanish class and three other boys, who might I add are smokin' hot. Daniel sees me walk in and with a smile on his face asks me to sit with them so I'm not all by myself. I soon learn all of the guys names, Jonah, corbyn, and Zach. I realize corbyn is in all of my classes except for first and fourth, which makes me happy because now I know someone else in my classes to talk to. It makes me happy that i'm sitting with the boys at lunch because hopefully i can get close with Jack. Yeah i know Daniel's cute but there's just something about Jack and i can't get him off my mind. After lunch i walked with corbyn to ninth period social studies. Finally the last period of the day was over and i could finally go home. I get on the bus and look on instagram to find the five boys' instas and i soon learn that they are the popular/jocks in the school. wow what have i gotten myself into.

*805 words* i'm going to try and keep the chapters around this long or a little shorter but hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

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