Ch. 2 "Rewind"

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I got off the bus, walking through the door to my house, to meet my mom standing there as soon as my foot hit the floor of the house. She was there rambling on about how she wanted to hear about how my first day was and everything that happened. She brings me into the kitchen and says "rewind, tell me everything that happened today and don't leave out a single detail". I know she was just doing this to make sure i was okay and to make me feel good but i really didn't care to talk about it and of course i wasn't going to tell her everything.
I started off telling her all my classes as i go through the nine periods. "First period is Spanish, which was good, second period math, third period break, fourth period science" and so on. She responds "great, now tell me, did you make any friends?" "Yeah" i answered not telling her who they were and their popularity status, that i just found out myself. Then of course she has to ask the question every mom loves to ask and every daughter hates to answer, "meet any cute boys" she says smirking. i answer with a simple "no" not wanting to get into it and have her ask me a bunch of questions about Jack. She finally leaves me alone as i walk up stairs to get started on homework.
I hear my brother sam walk through the door as my mom starts asking him a bunch of questions, and him just ignoring her. He walks upstairs and finds me in my room. He sits down to talk to me about my first day. Sam and I have always been pretty close, closer than i was with my sister at least. We were just talking about our day at school and he brings up the question about making friends. Of course i tell him the truth because he was my brother and best friend all in one, since i didn't have any one else to talk to. He nods, and i can tell he was happy i had made friends to talk to. I hear my phone ring and i look down to see a face time call from Christina! "Omg it's Christina" i say to Sam, hinting for him to leave my room. He gets the hint leaving as i answer the call.
We talk about our day and get to the subject of boys. I tell her about Jack and the rest of the boys and she excitedly says "ooo any cute?" i answer saying "yes, actually they all are, and i think you would love them!!" We stay on face time doing homework and just talking to just have each other's company, since we were both pretty lonely without each other. I hear my mom yell up the stairs "dinner time", as i say bye to Christina and hang up the phone. We ate dinner, and after i took a shower getting ready for bed. I picked out my clothes for tomorrow's school day, it was picture day so i needed something cute to wear. I pick out my outfit and go to bed. I was extremely wiped from the first day. "only 179 more days" i think to myself as i doze off sleeping.

*this one is a little shorter but hope you liked!*
567 words:)

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