Characters (Some tiny spoilers for the story)

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Dippy: A blue Diplodocus who is captured by Watchers for the majority of the story. He's the Elite's top warrior and left-hand man to Thunder.

Char: Dippy's best friend. He is a fire salamander that resembles the Pokemon Charmeleon. He is responsible for the Code throughout the story. He is known to have a bad temper but also has a good heart.

Tank: Dippy may be Thunder's left-hand man, but Tank is Thunder's right-hand man. He was a general in the Great Dinosaur War and retakes that title in this war. He is the Elite leader after Thunder is tragically killed by Ripper. Tank is also a Triceratops.

Thunder: A giant BrontosaurusThunder was the former leader of the Elites before meeting his tragic end. He was one of the many sons of the Dinosaur King before the said king passed away. He feuded with his brother Rascar for the throne, causing the Great Dinosaur War. When the Watchers rose up and took over, Thunder made the Elites and, with the help of Rascar, secretly created the Code that could lead to the Chosen One.


Ripper: Ripper is the leader and creator of the Watchers. An Indoraptor with a horrifying backstory, Ripper is a vicious and ruthless leader who doesn't stop until he gets what he wants.

Dimey (Die-me): Dimey is a Dimetrodon and Ripper's second-in-command. He's one of the top executioners for the Watchers. Dimey is just like his master: he is vicious and will also stop at nothing to get what he wants. Not only is Dimey very devoted to his master's work, but he also has an assortment of dangerous weapons of torture and a very creepy Stewie Griffin accent. And some say he is more demented than Ripper, as torturing people puts Dimey in a good mood. Yikes!

Kapro: Kapro is a Postosuchus and Ripper's third-in-command. Unlike Ripper and Dimey, he will stop at some things that may pose a challenge, but he has the drive and devotion to match. Kapro is a general and responsible for every troop in the Watcher force.

Twig, Rogue, and Dune: These three small Watchers are technically part of the Watcher army, but because of their small stature, prefer to roam the base instead, performing duties assigned to them. Twig is a charismatic fox who's more of a follower than a leader. Rogue is a gruff wolverine who doesn't think about the things that come out of his mouth. Dune is a dingo and considered the leader of the group. But after he dies in the war, he is replaced by Leaf the lemur.

Sky and Cloud: A fearsome, red dragon with two heads, Sky and Cloud are one of the few beasts with the ability to speak and have high intelligence. While he is not as high-ranking as Kapro and Dimey, he definitely is a favorite among Ripper's troops. Sky and Cloud is another executioner, except he executes people on the field other than taking them back and executing them: like Dimey.


Ashley: Ashley is a pale-skinned, brown-haired hooman who lives in the harsh, flat desert of Quip. Ashley is an archaeologist of sorts, finding ancient artifacts and selling them for profit. Her life is pretty normal until she meets Blue, Char, and an assortment of other characters that drag her into an unknown war.

Blue: Blue is a Velociraptor and a former Watcher. He betrayed the Watchers after his first battle, where he realized that he was fighting for the wrong side. He soon runs away and finds Ashley and Char on their quest to find Rascar. Throughout the story, Blue lies to his friends about being a Watcher in able to shelter his past.

Gwangi: Gwangi is a small, orange Allosaurus who rides around in an old cargo ship. He's kind of a smuggler, as he does things that are considered heroic in order to earn a profit. For a while, he is hiding away from the fighting of the war because of his tragic past. But thanks to Ashley, Blue, and Char, Gwangi gets out of his old antics and decides to join the fight.

Drogon: Drogon is a giant, red dragon known as a Behemoth. Drogon was rescued from a beast trading company known as Dogpound by Gwangi, and the two are now best friends.

Rascar: Rascar is a red-and-black T-rex and Thunder's younger brother. The two had a giant feud with each other after their father tragically passed away without any warning. But with the rise of the Watchers, the two brothers learned to make up and they helped with the creation of the Code. While Thunder ran off to fight the Watchers, Rascar is how living a quiet and hidden life in the jungle land of Labeth.

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