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𝕿he van ride to the practice studio was uncomfortable for Jimin because he had the horrible luck of sitting next to Yoongi. The elder took it upon himself to avoid confrontation by turning his headphones up so high that you could hear Twice's "Fancy" playing throughout the vehicle. Jimin rolled his eyes and looked out the window upset because he knew that if Yoongi didn't want to talk about something the chance of getting him to come around was close to zero. Jin was observing the tension of the boys without their knowledge. He was the mom of the group after all, nothing got past him. He decided he would have to bring it up to Jimin later.

Hours of dancing later, the boys were allowed a break. Yoongi and Jungkook left the room in a rush, raising suspicion in Jimin. He let the idea die because he knew that none of the boys did anything sexual together, at least to his knowledge. "What's got you thinking so hard baby boy?" Namjoon whispered to Jimin making him shy. "Don't call me that here Hyung." "You know that's not my name baby boy." He did it agin, mockingly this time. "I'm sorry daddy." Jimin whispered back making Namjoon smile contently. "Now what's the problem? You look lost." Namjoon asked again, worry in his voice. "Would you ever fuck Jin?" Namjoon's face distorted into a look of fear and confusion. "Umm why are you asking? Who told you?" Namjoon responded scratching his neck awkwardly. "Told me what?" Jimin asked puzzled. "Nothing," Joon quickly responded realizing that Jimin didn't know their secret, "and no I wouldn't he's not really my type." the elder trailed off. "Oh, okay." Jimin sighed. Still feeling jealous of Jungkook and Yoongi. "What has you thinking about that?" Namjoon asked still lost in the situation. "If someone did something you told them specifically not to would you be mad about it?" "It depends. What exactly did they do?" Namjoon inquired. "It lead to physical harm." Jimin stated with no emotion. "Jimin what the hell. Who hurt you I swear to God." "Namjoon please don't over react. Not here," Jimin sighed glancing around at how the remaining members began listening in as their voices rose. "Fine. We will discuss all of this more at home, with Jin. Do you understand?" "Yes, daddy."

As the males put away their water and stretched to continue practice Jungkook arrived back quietly digging through his bag to gulf down a whole bottle of water. Minutes later Yoongi arrived back and took his place in the room, the boy's following suit. Before the music started Jimin glances over at Jungkook noticing he had cream on his lips. He's always been a messy eater Jimin thought. He shyly chuckled at Jungkook, "kookie you have cream on your mouth." Everyone's eyes darted towards the boy who nervously laughed wiping it off his face, "thanks minnie."

Teaaaa. Did Jungkook suck Yoongi's ding dong??? Is Namjoon fucking Jin??? Find out in the next episode of KUWBT (Keeping up with Bangtan)

Although this story is through a narrator it's more Jimin centered in point of view is that okay? Or should we switch it up??

Till next time.


𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 [JIMIN X BTS] 21++Where stories live. Discover now