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Clouds trudge slowly
Across a bright blue brilliant sky.
My gaze travels the horizon,
Over bumps and ripples,
Over dips and valleys
That make up the hills in the distance.
A soft breeze ruffles my hair,
The locks tossed and turned gently,
Just as the leaves in the trees,
Their music filling me with peace
The long grass cradling me
As I lay to rest.
The day went by, resting into night.
The deep blue sky winked at me,
With a thousand glistening eyes.
The eyes always watch me,
Watch me when I mess up,
Watch me when I cry.
They watch me when I care,
And they watch me when I laugh.
When the sun comes back,
The stars are still there
Enveloped by the black sky
The cradles them
As they never sleep.

The Emotional Collection Of A Small Town Nobody's PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now