when you get jealous 😠

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Deku 💪💚🤓

You were walking with your brother into the classroom talking about present Mic homework about Macbeth.

As you enter you saw uraraka getting closer and closer towards deku making him move himself away form the desk he was sat at. You walk to the back of the classroom to avoid harming the girl because you were starting to get angry  but you didn't know why.

"Brother do you know why I am getting angry over what she doing to deku?" You question still staring down the poor girl.

"It's because your jealous of her. Your going  out with midoriya so you are scared to lose him" todoroki said as he place his had on your shoulder to try and calm you down.

"I'll go talk to him and show her he mine" you whisper to your brother and see him smile in the corner of your eye.

You walk over to uraraka and midoriya and tapped deku shoulder to get his attention. He then his head to look at you with a smile.

You walk forward and sat down on his lap making him blush but he put his arms around you. uraraka look away and left you alone as you Sat with deku.

You feel him place his head in your neck but whisper in your ear " you were jelly were you. Don't have to be because I will always love you y/n"

You blush but kiss his cheek before turning back to the white bored and held his hand what were still rapped around you.

Bakugou 🖕🔥🖤

You were training your quirk after school with bakugou midorya and kirishima like you would normally do if you were all bored in the dorm rooms.

But half way through the training session some girls came to sit and watch all of the boys there which you didn't mind at first because they were just looking.

"Oi Avatar try to use your fire kick but spin on it to create a tornado then move it to your target so it a long range skill" bakugou said toward you in you sparing match against midorya.

You did as you were tolled and quick got a hit on the green boy.  After a while training came to a break.

That when the girls came down and started flirting with everyone I started to annoy you with a passion.

You started to pack up your stuff so you could leave the boys to what they want to do but you also want to leave because you didn't want bakugou to know you were jealous.

As you were walking away you hear someone running after you.

"Hold on Avatar where you going?" Your boyfriend question you as he grabbed your hand.

"I'm heading back to the dorm rooms I  promise denki that I would help him with homework" you said looking down at your feet.

"Stop it I won't leave u for a fake bitch like them over there. I want you and only you" he said before he crash his lips on yours making you kiss back instantly.

"And you look pretty sexy when your jealous you know" he said as he pulled away and placed his forehead on yours.

"Stop it you always have to ruin the moment don't you" you say back making him laugh but pull you under his arm and start heading towards the dorm rooms.

Todoroki ❄🔥❤

You were Sat with your brother and bakugou in the laibary because bakugou was helping kirishima study for a test that was coming up because of eraserhead.

"Oi shaper Where the half and half prick?" Question bakugou as he look up from kirishima work.

"He in a study group with some girl and boys from class" you answer not looking up from your book your were reading

"So your not jealous about momo trying to make a move on icy Hot" he said calmly towards me.

Your grip tightens on the pages of the book as you realise what he means by that but you knew you could trust him, could you?

" what do you mean bakugou?" You said quitely towards the two of them.

" I just heard from denki that she used to have a crush on him that's all I'm just looking out for you" he said as he try to shout but he could tell you were getting jealous of the fact that he was spending time with her.

Time skip

You're sat in the door room watching TV as you felt someone could walk up behind you and put their arms around your neck as you lean into the touch you knew it was todoroki and that he had just come back from the study session.

"What wrong?" He questioned but you just carried on staring at the TV not answering him.

"Please y/n it not about momo is it?" He ask as he saw tent up at the mention of her name he knew that he found the answer to the problem.

" you know that I won't leave you and that I only love you she has nothing on you that I can't see in you already so please y/n answer me" he said as he kiss the too of your head.

"Sorry I didn't mean to I just the bakugou made it out to sound like you still like her" you said as you turn around from the sofa and kissed him on the cheek .

I ended up with him coming around and sitting next to you and cuddling on the sofa till it was time to go to bed.


Hi sorry I haven't updated in a while hope u still like this

See u next time

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