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It was a soft melody in my ear, whispered so crystal clear.

Almost a love, it was burning passion bright,

Yearning brilliantly, through the night.

So as inspiration comes and goes,

As the wind scoops grief into a new generation of solace,

One of which I do not know

For departure has taken grip, soul not in hold,

Uncontained and pouring hopelessly as it drips.

This unsteadyness so incomplete, I wait for this foundation

To crumble under my wake, the reality splinter and shake

And as such must occure, the life has left my body hollow;

No need to speek, for all such sentences were vocalled in actions carried out,

No existance to this undawned awakening when this

endless slumber has devoured consiousness.

I cannot breathe

There is no need to gasp for air anymore.

Drowning in the cold so the infinitely sinking thoughts gave me heat,

Warming the heart so bereft of life.

So continueously the body reposeing.

Soon to be confined with death

Almost non-existant

Done to endure

Finished in this instant

So inanimatly


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