twenty-five: cliché

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tuesday, february 9
3:03 am


How the hell did I end up with Brooklyn? I lost like an hour in a second. I didn't drink. I didn't smoke. I know I didn't because we always have random drug tests during the playoffs. They want to make sure that no one is on that shit.

I pick up my phone and call someone I probably shouldn't be calling. I call her twice before she picks up the phone.

"Hello?" she asks groggily.

"Brooklyn!" I yell back.

"Dude, why the fuck are you screaming at 3 o'clock in the morning? Are you insane?"

"What the fuck happened at that party?"

"Um... you know what happened at that party, dumb ass. We had sex."


"Do I really need to explain the birds and bees to you, Miles?" she yawns.

"I don't remember half of that night. I would've never even touched you. I didn't even drink. So, tell me how the hell I ended up yo stank ass."

"Damn, that's not nice. And yes you did drink. You were drunk as hell. So, was I. But I'd fuck you sober so..."

"Why would you do that to JJ?"

"I don't give a damn about JJ. That girl is too damaged to deal with. Plus, I have other friends that understand me better."

"I'd never call a woman out of her name, but you're a bitch. And I know you did something that night. I don't know what you did, but you did something."

"If that's what you need to tell yourself, Miles."



As Brooklyn watches Miles standing there talking to the other players, a feeling of want flows through her body. She's had a secret crush on Miles for years now, but she never said anything because of Jordyn. Jordyn. Once upon a time, Brooke actually liked her, but that all changed when she managed to get Miles. She never thought that Jordyn would be able to do that.

Miles starts to walk toward her, and her heart starts to beat like never before. Miles picks up a cup of punch and she instantly knows that it's now or never. This is her chance.

"Hey Miles!" she says enthusiastically. Too enthusiastically.

"Hey," Miles replies shortly.

Miles places his cup down close to Brooklyn while turning his back to reach something else. Brooklyn swiftly slips something into his drink. It dissolves as soon as it hits the liquid. When Miles turns he grabs the glass and gulps the liquid down quickly.

He wasn't supposed to drink it that fast - Brooklyn thinks to herself.

She wasn't that familiar with the substance she put in his drink, but she did know it was intended to be put in alcohol. Because people usually sip on alcoholic drinks, the substance can slowly work its way through the body without causing damage. However, when the substance is put into the body fast, there is no telling what it will do.

After a couple of minutes, Miles starts to feel dizzy. He sits down on a secluded couch off in another room, and buries his head in his hands. Brooklyn walks toward him, knowing that this might be the only chance she has to be with Miles.

"Miles, are you okay? You look a little sick," she says, sitting next to him on the couch, purposely putting her leg on top of his.

"Brook... what are you going?" Miles slurs, trying to stand up, but he immediately falls back down.

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