six: escape

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saturday, january 10
1:46 pm

ding. dong.

"Oh my gosh, he's here. Are you sure that I look okay, Kennedy?" I ask, perfecting my hair as much as humanly possible.

"You look great, Jordyn. I thought you said you guys were just going out to finish a project. You're acting like you guys are going out on an actual date," she laughs, sitting down on my futon.

"We are. I just don't wanna be looking a hot ass mess, you know?"

"Sounds like you like him to me!"

"I do not like him. At least, I don't know if I like him."

"Mhm," she smirks. "Well, when you figure it out, tell him. The last thing you want if for another hoe to swoop in and steal your man."

"True," I say as I walk down the stairs.

"Hey, Jordyn," Miles smiles as he pulls me into a hug. "You look amazing. Ready to go?"

"Yup. Do you have the board? I ask, grabbing my backpack from the shelf by the door.

"Yea, it's in the truck. You have the markers and stuff, right?"

"Yea, they're in my backpack. Okay, we can go. Bye, mom!" I yell toward her room, slightly pushing Miles out of the door before my mom can come and interrogate him. "Bye, Kennedy. You can borrow the car if you need it. The keys are on my nightstand, just make sure Zion doesn't get them."

"Okay. Have fun! Don't forget to use protection!" she screams once we get to Miles's truck, a Jeep to be more specific, my dream car.

"Wow, she's just... so funny," I sigh, rolling my eyes and reaching for the door; however, I'm quickly stopped by Miles swatting my hand away from the handle.

"Stop. Don't touch the door," he says sternly, opening the door for me and closing it behind me.

His demanding tone sends a tingle through my body, causing me to readjust my lower half. Before Miles gets into the car, he picks up his phone and answers it. As his conversation goes on, he grows more and more irritated and then he just hangs up the phone. He climbs into the car while letting out a loud sigh.

"What's wrong, beanhead?" I ask.

"Just some stuff with my dad," he says, reversing out of my driveway so smoothly it seems he's been driving his whole life.

"Mind me asking what stuff?"

"He's not coming to the game on Friday. The only game I ask him to come to, he's not coming."

"And you especially need him at this game because this is the game that scouts from all over the country are coming to."

"How'd you know?"

"Zion and my dad haven't stopped talking about it. I don't know what colleges are gonna be there though."

"Duke, Kansas, and UNC," he answers.

"Damn. All of them are basketball powerhouses."

"Yup, and I really need to impress Duke."

"Wait, you wanna go to Duke?" I smile, laughing at the irony of the situation.

"That's the dream college right there. Plus, it's far, but not that far."

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