part 4

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Daniel's POV:

I woke up around 3:00A.M. to the sound of violent coughing coming from the Bathroom. Joey was nowhere in sight. Oh no, I thought to myself. I sprinted out of bed and to the Bathroom only to see Joey laying on the floor coughing and throwing up blood.

"Joey!" I screamed. "Oh my God!" I ran to his side and picked him up. "It's going to be okay Joey! you're going to be okay." I carried him down the stairs and out the door, tears running down my cheeks. I quickly put him in the back seat of the car and drove as fast as I could to the hospital, quite obviously breaking the speed limit, but hell if caring for your boyfriend is a crime, Then Lock me up!

The entire way there Joey continued to throw up blood and was gasping for air. "Joey don't worry! I'm talking you to the hospital! We're almost there!"

He couldn't speak, his entire body was completely covered in his own blood and his face was paler than ever before. All he could do was scream in agony.

Oh dear God I need to focus on the road. But Joey's in so much pain I want to hold his hand and cuddle up close to him but I need to keep driving.

Finally we arrived. I grabbed Joey and carried him bridal style into the the hospital.

"Help!" I shouted from the top of my lungs. A nurse ran over to us with a worrisome look on her face. "Oh my! What happened here?!" She asked. I was hesitant to speak for for a second as I had absolutely no clue what had happened.

"I...I don't know I woke up and found him like this. Please you have to help him!"

Two doctors came out with a stretcher and I layed him on it. They rushed him into a room. D-Daniel?" Joey squeaks out. "Joey! I'm here I'm right here." I tried to follow them, but they wouldn't let me go with him. Fucking assholes.

"Sir, you're going to need to wait out here." She said handing me paperwork "but that's my fucking boyfriend! Please let me go with him!" She looked at me calmly. "I'm sorry. We'll keep you updated."

She sat down at her desk like nothing had happened. My heart was racing. "Oh God." I'm mumbling to myself. "Why did I let him get this bad? I should have taken him to the doctor the minute he was feeling unwell. I'm a terrible boyfriend."

A few hours went by and I was so tired, physically at least. Mentally I was wide awake ready for anything. Well mabye not anything, but you get the point.

"Anyone here for Joey Graceffa?" A nurse called out. I sprung out of my chair. "Yes! That's me. I'm his boyfriend. How is he?" "He's sleeping right now but we have him stabilized." "Can I see him?" I asked. "Of course!" She guided me to his room as I was playing with my keys out of anxiety.

"Right here Mr. Preda." She pointed to the door than walked away jotting something down on her clip board.

I ran in not even hesitating. In the hospital room I saw an unconscious Joey laying there in a bed. He was wearing a clean gown and had one hand on his stomach and oxygen in his nose.

"Oh my sweet baby I'm sorry I let things get this bad." I feel a single tear run down my face. I really hope they find out what the cause of this was, and soon!

It's Just A Cough ~JanielWhere stories live. Discover now