Part 14

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Joey's POV:

"Will you marry me?" Daniel asks both our faces soaked with tears. Oh no, what do I say? I love him so much and I care about him deeply, but I'm going die, I'm going to leave him with heartbreak and sorrow. It's the Vicious Cycle, you marry the person you love and you spend everyday loving them unconditionally until the time comes to bury them and then you start it all over again.

I stare back at him speechless, my jaw clinched and my hands shaking. I love him so much which is why I know what I have to do even if it hurts me to say.

"Daniel" I begin. "I-I can't." I say still crying. He looks at me with disappointment and I could see the betrayal he felt in his eyes.

"Why Joey?" He asks face stained with tears.

"Because I can't do that to you, I love you too much." I see the the confusion on his face as I utter the first words. "Danny, you and I both know that I'm not going to make it, all this chemotherapy is just stalling my fate not stopping it, and I can't marry you because if I do you're going to be left with so much pain to bare for the rest of your life and I cannot put you through that." He says nothing placing my boney paper thin hand in his, as he kisses it. "I'm sorry." I say.

"I know you are." His voice cracks. "But I understand where your heart is. Joey I'm never going to stop loving you, never. In ten years you'll still be on my mind everyday, so maybe you won't marry me, but know that I'm not going anywhere."

I smile at him as I lean in for a kiss. I don't deserve him, I never have he's been talking care of me his whole adult life, from when I was sick with the flu to my dying days with cancer, he's always been there for me. I want to marry him and he wants to marry me, but at the end of the day I just can't have that little voice in my head eat away at me with constant guilt for leaving him.

We sat there in silence for a few moments as I started to finally drift off in Daniel's arms.

Of course, the moment was to good to last as dr. Evelyn comes bursting into the room with the same nurse as before.

"Hello boys." Dr. Evelyn says cheerful.

"Tired Joey?" The nurse asks quietly walking up to the IV turning it off.

"Let's just say it's been a long day." I look at Daniel.

"I'll say." He says back.

"Well, Joey I'm very impressed with how well you did, you got a little more nauseous than expected but other than that great job."

"Thank you, Dr." I say. I feel the pinch of the nurse removing the IV from my arm. "Ow." I say pulling my arm away and she giggles.

"My apologies." She says still laughing slightly.

"Any plans for the rest of the day you two?" Dr. Evelyn asks.

"Probably just gonna take my boy over here home to rest." Daniel says helping me up outta the chair.

"That's nice." She says taking notes of God knows what. "Well you are free to go now Joey."

"Goodbye." I wave.

"Take care." She waves back.

God I hate her.

It's Just A Cough ~JanielWhere stories live. Discover now