• 2 • She's gone •

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{Warning: this chapter deals with parent loss. Sorry...}

Gabi's POV

12 years ago. 12 years since the worst day of our lives. 12 years since I lost my mamá.

I roll over to look at the photo of us next to my bed, I was four at the time. It was taken a week before my mamá died. We were on vacation in Spain in an all inclusive hotel and the photo was taken on our last day. The three of us are in the pool, myself on a lilo with mamá and dad in the water next to us.

A small smile appears on my face as a tear rolls down my face, knowing how hard today will be, not just for me but for everyone. The sound of the door shutting tells me that dad has left for work and I begin to get out of bed myself.

It's the summer holidays, so I'm not in school but obviously dad and the rest of the squad still have to go in. I check my phone to see a message off Tía Rosa and open it, ignoring the rest of my notifications.

She would be so proud of you Gabi, you're everything she ever wanted to be and more. I will always be here for you, love you lots x

A couple more tears slip down my face as I smile at the message, replying with a cluster of kisses. Once I'm dressed I walk downstairs to make myself some breakfast, realising dad has left his lunch at home. I then put my shoes on to leave the house, making my way to the precinct.

When I arrive it's gone 10am as the walk takes at least half an hour. As I walk in the building Andrew gives me a sad smile and I force a smile back to him.

The elevator ride up seems to last a lifetime, as thoughts run through my head as to how the squad will be, more specifically my dad. Like every year, I know today is the one day he practically shuts himself off from the world, he focuses on his work all day and hardly speaks.

As the elevator doors open, only Tía Rosa looks up from her work, but when she does she rushes over to me and embraces me in a hug. This causes almost everyone else to look up from what they're doing, everyone apart from my dad.

"You okay Gabi?" Tía Rosa whispers into my ear, which I just nod slightly in reply.

One by one the squad come up to me and give me hugs, whispering words of comfort into my ear. The whole time I notice Uncle Charles watching as his best friend just flicks through papers, unaware of the world around him.

Mamá's old desk is left the way she left it, everything in its place. Untouched for 12 years. I sit down in the chair next to dads desk and he doesn't even look up.

"Dad. I brought you your lunch." I tell him, which finally catches his attention.

He looks up at me with teary eyes and takes the lunch off the table, placing it on the floor next to him. I notice Aunt Gina watching across from her desk, as well as the rest of the squad glancing over.

"Thank you Gabi." He says, looking at me with a heart broken face, whilst I smile sadly. "You have her eyes and smile, but best of all baby girl, you have her personality."

Dad places a hand on top of mine and gives it a squeeze, wiping the tears from his cheeks with the other. Tears continue to flow down his face, silent but violently streaming.

He stands up from his chair and rushes off, down one of the corridors, leaving everyone watching him as he goes.

Jake's POV

I look into Gabi's eyes and see Amy staring back at me. My Ames. Tears overwhelm me and I rush off, not wanting to be around anyone.

When I get to the evidence lock up, I go to the far wall and slide my back down it, my knees pulled to my chest. The moment from 12 years ago plays in my mind and I continue to cry.

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