•5• The Remedy for a Breakup

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Amy's POV

Tissues and empty ice cream boxes surround me on my couch, with some pathetic romantic movie in the television, which in all honesty I'm not actually watching. I don't even know why I'm so sad, Teddy and I broke up and he was the most boring man in America, but he used to cared about me and now I don't know how to feel.

Being a cop and dating is harder than anyone could ever explain. Through a mix of stress and long shifts, our relationship began to drift until there was basically nothing left. But Teddy cared about me, he always wanted to make sure I was okay, or well he used to. Then work became more important and he would stand me up, leaving me at restaurants without a simple text saying works overrunning and we took the stress of work out on each other, snapping at the slightest thing and soon regretting it.

He drove to the nine-nine and took me out for lunch, at first I thought it was a lovely gesture - us getting to spend more time together, despite our career based lives - but I soon realised what was happening. If he really cared about me he wouldn't have done it at lunch, leaving me to face a bullpen full of colleagues after. It was the most convenient time for him though, worked for him and he clearly didn't care as he went back to his precinct for the rest of the day, without thinking about how it would weigh heavy on me until I finally got home.

My phone buzzed beside me and I debated not even bothering to check it, not wanting it to be Teddy asking me to pick something of mine up from his apartment. I build up the courage to do so and see drunken messages flowing onto the group chat. Jake asked me at the end of the day if I wanted to get drinks a Shaws with the squad tonight, I politely declined: not wanting to have to explain to my colleagues or more importantly my friends as to why Teddy wasn't by my side, this time being a more permanent explanation.

A knock on my apartment door stops me from scrolling through the photos that had been taken of a very drunk squad at the bar. Missing from all of the photos - bar a couple of when everyone appeared slightly more sober - is Jake, but I just assume he found a girl to throw himself at and brush it off. The knock happens again and this time I actually get off my couch to get to the door, hoping it's no one important due to my oversized NYPD t-shirt, joggers and extremely messy (un - Amy Santiago like) bun.

"Hey Santiago." Jake says, casually walking into my apartment with plastic bags hanging off his arms, placing them down on the kitchen tops. "We have ice cream, we have tissues, we have chocolate, we have movies and we have alcohol. Let's get you over this breakup."

I smile slightly, laughing at him as he pulls two serving spoons out of my drawer and sticking them into separate tubs of ice cream. He pours two glasses of wine and tosses the box of tissues over onto the couch, thrusting a glass and tub into my arms before dragging me over to the couch.

"Wait, how did you know?" I ask him, having not told any of the squad myself.

"Well after you came back from lunch you had a complete downhill mood change, Teddy has hardly been at Shaws with you in the past couple of months, you declined coming out for drinks tonight and also he's changed his Facebook status from in-a-relationship to single. Besides, what are partners for if they can't get each other over a breakup with alcohol and too much sugar?"

I laugh at Jake's childish behaviour, but my face falls as I process what he said about Facebook. It's real, it's happened, we're over. A couple of tears slip down my cheeks again and I get thrown a pile of tissues, resulting in them scattering all around the room.

Jake presses play on the movie I was watching and he acts interested, but really like me doesn't have a clue what's going on.

"Amy, he's not worth crying over. Even you said it, he's the most boring man in America and I'm sorry to admit the harsh truth but I'm grateful that I no longer have to listen to him drain on about pilsners."

"I know, it's just... he cared for me and then like always work got in the way and ruined it as usual. You of all people must understand that, I understand that work is a priority for any detective but it feels like that's all we can focus on in life. It's frustrating and I actually thought Teddy would be different and that he would try and work things out, but he didn't and it's proves that I didn't know him as well as I thought I did." I say, Jake handing me tissues and filling my glass with more wine before standing up. "Where are you going?"

He gets his phone off the kitchen table and brings it over to the sound system, plugging it in and scrolling through what I assume is his songs. Next thing I know, Taylor Swift is blasting through the speakers and Jake is dancing around the room, trying to get me to join him.

"There's nothing better than a dance party, and the most appropriate song at the moment..." he justifies, picking up his phone again and playing 'We Are Never Getting Back Together' "come on Ames, just dance."

I stand up and break into hysterics as I watch Jake reenact Taylor Swift singing into a microphone, hair flips and all. Without any hesitation I find myself singing the chorus at full volume, for a minute not a care in the world. The song continues and I knock a photo frame off the ledge, bending down to pick it up I notice it was one of Teddy and me. Without a second thought, I take the photo over to the bin and drop it in. Jake cheers and pours me a shot, clearly having just got the bottle from the cabinet.

"Woah woah woah, Amy you cannot sit down right now." Jake says as the song ends and I sit back down on the couch, feet tucked under me.

He puts on 'I Knew You Were Trouble' and I raise my eyebrows slightly, Teddy was anything but trouble just a rule obeying bore. When it reaches the chorus, Jake sings 'boring' in replace form the original trouble and I find myself doubled over in laughter.

A couple of bottles of wine each later and many more Taylor Swift songs, Jake finally decides to go home and I find myself at my apartment door ready to lock it behind him.

"Thanks Peralta, I'd never admit it, but I really needed that tonight."

"Any time Santiago, it was actually pretty good, but your dancing sucks. Byeee see you tomorrow." He says running off down the corridor before I can retort and I find myself in hysterics at him again.

{I rewrote this because I really wanted to post it tonight so apologies for any mistakes. Any oneshot ideas you guys have just let me know in the comments and yeah 👍🏼}

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