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One of the problems that really irked Quinn about being permanently waist to chest height of those around her was that she tended to be ignored despite the sheer amount of space her wheelchair took up. It was almost as if not being at the approximately the same eyelevel suddenly made her become invisible – and don't even start her on how by being in a wheelchair people considered her deaf or unable to answer for herself deferring instead to those around her. She wanted to shout, "I've injured my legs not my ears or my brain"

Most people ignored her apart from irritants like bible boy. He seemed determined to save her soul regardless of her own wishes on the matter, seeing her paralysis as some form of God's punishment. That self-righteous self-belief was irritating in the extreme but she needed the lift to physiotherapy rather than constantly disrupting her mother's work schedule and no doubt a good deed everyday meant bible boy was ecstatic about his hopes of getting into heaven. A symbiotic relationship then, she used him as a taxi service and he used her to chalk up good deeds, it would be ideal if he didn't feel the need to talk so much. Quinn sighed, it was beginning to become a bit awkward with him. Anyway she didn't want to think about him anymore than she had to - he was just another incentive, as if she needed any, to be back on her feet as soon as possible.

Science class came and went with still no response to her last text of

Don't keep me waiting for my daily tantalizing glimpse of taut toned...

Rachel hadn't appeared for the third lesson so maybe she'd over stated the ' lure of a wonderful pair of perfectly shaped' - Quinn could only think of breasts to finish that sentence but couldn't quite believe that was what Rachel had in mind. Hers were hardly perfectly shaped or wonderful but they were definitely a pair.

Her smile faded as she found herself unwittingly amidst Finn and his bros mid 'I know how to handle women' conversation. Her invisibility shields must have been on maximum setting as although they were all seemingly oblivious to her presence none of them actually bumped into or fell over her chair.

"Nah dude" drawled Finn" Rachel will come around " he glanced at the sceptical looks on his friends' faces. They were underestimating him like always.

"You see with women" Finn used his best authoritative voice hoping no-one would point out that a history of two girlfriends hardly qualified him for the worlds authority status he was claiming," you just need to know the right, well, insecurity" Finn was pleased to recall the correct word. He glanced around the group to check he had their full attention for his words of wisdom.

"I just needed to tell Rachel was being selfish. That's her big fear, so I just need to suggest that perhaps she is and ta da she'll worry about it for a bit and then come weeping and pleading for forgiveness. The only way to stop being selfish is for her to do what I want. I just need to be hurt but forgiving and I'll even get a little you know what " the hand gestures were crude but effective in relaying meaning, "out of it. Win - Win" Finn swaggered a bit more noticeably and tried to puff out his chest before deciding that wasn't his best look. The use of the word selfish with Rachel had transformed their relationship for the better. Now he knew how to get his own way without a long drawn out discussion about it that hurt his head.

"Come on man, Rachel's not going to cave that easily" Sam replied," Lifelong dreams and all that."

" Boyfriend trumps Broadway - end of," stated Finn matter of factly. The High school bullying of Rachel had had an effect on her self-image no matter how much she had projected a 'don't care' attitude.

" Rachel thinks no-one else will ever love her and so clings to me and will practically do whatever I ask - and that mouth isn't just talented at singing I can assure you and as for her famed breath control..." Finn fanned himself as if overheated at the memory.

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