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The next morning found Rachel standing on the doorstep of the Fabray house – or would mansion be the correct term? - as an older, more worn version of Quinn scrutinised her from head to toe.

"Mrs Fabray, it's a pleasure to meet you," gushed Rachel as the downside of the arrangement to give Quinn a lift to school began to sink in, "I'm Rachel."

"Rachel Berry. Yes I know," replied Judy her tone ambiguous enough for Rachel to be unsure whether being her was a problem or not. Rachel slapped her best Broadway smile on her face and tried to control the urge to bounce nervously from one foot to the other.

"So you're the Jewish girl with the two fathers and an ability to text at inopportune moments," stated Judy fixing Rachel with a glare.

"Um yes, but hopefully I'm a bit more than that," managed Rachel, cursing herself for not texting ahead so she could have avoided this. She tried not to let the relief show on her face as Quinn appeared in the hallway.

"Mother, stop teasing the poor girl," said Quinn as she rolled past her.

That was teasing? Maybe she should avoid the Fabray house as much as possible because if that was teasing Rachel had no wish to see annoyance.

"Quinn says you sing a bit," added Judy, "and I gather you're quite good at it."

Rachel's determination to make a good impression was overridden by the need to defend herself against these scurrilous attacks on her talent so she missed Quinn's eye roll.

"I'm an award winning singer with a whole host of trophies going back to my infancy so yes I do sing a bit and you could say I'm quite good," replied Rachel assertively before adding, '' although anyone with just a hint of musical training would say I'm phenomenal rather than just quite good." The implication being that musically Judy struggled to see the difference between her rear and her elbow. Quinn smothered a proud grin; the old Rachel Berry was back.

To Rachel's surprise Mrs Fabray smiled warmly at her before winking at Quinn.

"Ah always nice to see a bit of spirit," concluded Judy adding," I like your new friend Quinn," as she headed back into the house.

Quinn gave the universal shoulder shrug for 'parents, what can you do?' before encouraging Rachel to give her a good morning hug. Just as they reached the time limit for a socially acceptable friendship hug she reluctantly released Rachel. She began to babble a bit about anything that flitted through her head that wasn't related to how much she wanted to hug Rachel. Really all she wanted was to have Rachel sitting on her lap and holding her tightly. Actually that wasn't completely accurate, she wanted Rachel's hands to be running through her hair and... she shut down that train of thought but not before she blushed. Rachel crouched down next to her so they were at a similar eye level.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asked her voice mirroring the concern currently being conveyed in her eyes. She placed her hand on Quinn's knee to offer some reassurance before realising that was a rather a daft move considering Quinn's current condition. Quinn's eyes moved to focus on Rachel's hand.

"I think I can feel that," she whispered wondering whether wishful thinking was now more in play than actual feelings.

Rachel lifted her hand and gave Quinn a questioning look. Quinn bit her lip and nodded her head slightly. Permission given, Rachel moved her hand further up Quinn's thigh. There it was again, it might be a muted sensation as if there were several blankets between Rachel's hand and her leg but she could definitely feel that. She nodded and then beamed at Rachel. Rachel began to feel her way up Quinn's other thigh staring intently at Quinn as she did so.

"It's only faint but I can definitely feel that," said Quinn feeling her heart rate pick up with the excitement. Rachel's face positively lit up as her hands firmly rubbed Quinn's thighs.

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