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Judy watched Quinn look at her phone and yet again place it aside with a big heartfelt sigh. Quinn was sitting slightly hunched in her chair and not finding anything to effectively fill her time. It didn't take a psychic to know there was something on her mind what with the restless flicking through tv channels and the obsessive picking up and putting down of whatever novel it was Quinn was reading, or not managing to read as it currently appeared. Perhaps the heavy sighing was her cue? Judy placed her knitting to one side - yes okay so she was turning into her own mother but the rhythmic clicking of the needles was soothing and the actions kept her hands busy so she didn't think too much about having a drink.

"Trouble in paradise?" she asked and from the annoyed look that briefly flashed across Quinn's face to be replaced by a puzzled one she knew she'd misjudged the tone of the converstion already. Perhaps Quinn wasn't ready yet to acknowledge her total fixation with all things Rachel Berry just yet.

"What's the matter?" she asked deciding not to give Quinn time to respond to her previous statement.

"Nothing," muttered Quinn grumpily in a tone that conveyed everything was wrong including having to spell out what everything was. Judy decided to ignore the tone; her admiration for those who worked with big groups of teenagers on a daily basis increased yet further - all attitude and no gratitude why would you do it for the paltry pay on offer?

"So who's not texting you who should be?" Judy tried a slightly different approach and was amused to see Quinn's surprise at her perceptiveness.

"No-one," grumped Quinn picking up her phone to put it in her pocket but unable to stop herself from gazing hopefully at the screen.

"Is this 'no-one' someone I know?" asked Judy brightly of her now scowling daughter. She bit back the temptation to ask 'sings a bit does she?' She knew precisely who the 'no-one' was - after all the happy Quinn of the last two days had been conspicuously absent from the house for some considerable time previous to that. Had Quinn realised the effects that Berry girl had on her? Was she worried about Judy's reaction? Judy wondered briefly if this was the moment to share with Quinn just how wholeheartedly she'd thrown herself into the women's movement during her experimental university years... Some of the memories that thought brought back caused a tinge of colour to invade her cheeks. She caught sight of her miserable looking daughter and reined the memories in. Quinn looked on the edge of tears, hearing about her mother's sexual adventures at university and hence rather liberal views might not be what she needed at the moment.

Judy stood up abruptly and grabbed her car keys from the table. Quinn looked up at her, startled by the sudden movement.

"Okay so where do I need to take you?" Judy asked as she pulled her jacket on.

"I um er I nowhere," managed Quinn still trying to get her head round this new side of Judy. This was her mother who for as long as she could remember never made a decision without referring it to Russell and who never ever dared voice an opinion. Her meek, demure opinion-free mother of old and the mother currently in front of her were such poles apart. Judy version two point one was less buttoned up, less predictable yet far more protective of Quinn. It was unsettling and disconcerting but actually made her feel more cared for. If this was what therapy could do for you maybe Quinn needed to sign herself up for it.

"Quinn" Judy said warningly in a don't mess with me tone.

"Mother" stated Quinn just as adamantly.

"Right well I'm off to Rachel's" said Judy striding purposefully towards the door but still able to see from Quinn's reaction that she'd chosen the right destination," and you can either come with me and do the talking for yourself or I go on my own and.."

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