Back in Assiah

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*Yukio's POV*

I see a portal with the exwires and we see a low level demon sent from Gehenna, so we quickly exorcise it.

*With Rin a day (Assiah time) before this, 3rd person POV*

Rin wakes up by his brothers kissing him and he keeps turning but they won't stop.

"Mmm, what do guys want?" Rin sleepily said, slowly opening his eyes.

"We are going to Assiah in a week!" They said in unison, and Rin's eyes shot open with excitement.

"When are we going?!" Rin asked excited.

"In about a week..." Amaimon told Rin, and this made Rin even more excited.

"I can't wait to go!" After a minute Rin just realized something major.

"Wait...Why are we going?" Rin asked very confused and the demon kings laughed a bit at Rin face when he just realized he didn't know why they were going.

"Come on, dad will tell you once we get to the throne room," Lucifer told Rin, and they all followed him to the throne room.

*At the throne room*

They all bowed down to Satan once they got there, and after a minute Satan let's them stand up.

"Um father, why are we going to Assiah?" Rin asked very politely like he was trained to do.

"The nine of you are going to Assiah to go to the cram school, become exorcists, tell me all their plans, and we will demolish the exorcists!" Satan said with the tone of 'I want to destroy the world!'

"Okay father, but what about the humans in the cram school they know about us already!" Rin shouted worried about how they would handle him coming back.

"I have planned that out, I made sure they don't know your names, I made them forget Samuel's face, and I made Yukio forget you and turned time back, so when you go school will just start." Satan said, he really planned everything out for them, but will it be easy to keep their identity safe.

"Also Rin, instead of Yukio getting the top grades you will be the one to get the highest grade, and gives the speech. Also your surname will Akuma, which means devil in translation!" Satan said happy with himself that he came up with that.

"Alright father!" They all said in unison, but before the eight other demon kings could leave, Satan stopped them.

"Oh yeah boys..."

"Yes father?"

"Make sure not to do anything to bad with Rin, if you take his innocence away without my permission, I will torture you myself..." Satan said with a creepy smile, and a creepy laugh, that made the demon kings scared out of their minds.

"Yes father! We won't do anything to Rin!" They all said in unison, the demon kings were scared for their lives.

*The day they go to Assiah*

Rin and the demon kings get to an empty site, away from any demons, or someone who would watch.

"Alright, so who is going to open the portal?" Rin said to his boyfriends, and to which they all smiled.

"You should do it Rin, this will be your first time opening one!" Egyn told Rin with excitement.

"Uh sure, but are you sure I can do this?" Rin started questioning himself again, just like how he did when he first came to Gehenna.

Beelzebub lifted Rin's chin up to his face, "You will be able to do it, Rin, you're a demon king, not to mention the prince of Gehenna. So don't doubt yourself, Rin, you're the best boyfriend anyone could have, right guys!"

"Yep!" All of the other demon kings agreed with him, and that made rin cry. He was so happy, they all love him, and that is all he ever wanted.

"Okay, I will do it!" Rin said wiping his tears, and smiling. Rin used his fire to make a little ball of energy, then he threw it, teleported, caught it, and threw it to the ground to make a huge portal.

"Okay, let's go!" Rin yelled then jumped into the portal, they all followed him through the portal, laughing.

*In Assiah at Mephisto's office*

"Woah, it's been a long time since I've been in here!" Rin said with look of awe in his eyes.

"Okay Samuel, why don't you hide our powers, so they don't get out of hand, also give them back when I tell you to," Lucifer told Mephisto, and Mephisto just nodded in agreement.

"Eins, zwei, drei," Mephisto said his famous catch phrase and snapped his finger, then one by one they started changing.

Lucifer suddenly had his dark purple wings and dark purple tail disappear, and his clothes changed into the school uniform of True Cross Academy. Mephisto had his light purple tail disappear, and his clothes turned into the True Cross Academy uniform. Azazel had his dark green tail, and animal like hands disappeared, his hands turn to normal, and his clothes turned into the True Cross Academy uniform. Egyn had his blue tail and fin like hands disappeared, his hands turned into human hands, and his clothes turned into the True Cross Academy. Iblis had his red tail and his stitches on his neck disappear, his black eyes turned white, and his clothes turned into the True Cross uniform. Beelzebub had his yellow tail and long nails disappeared, his black eyes turned white, and his clothes turned into the True Cross uniform. Astaroth had his gray tail and horns disappeared, and his clothes turned into the True Cross uniform. Amaimon hand his light green tail and his long nails disappeared, and his clothes turned into the True Cross uniform. Rin had his black tail and flame horns disappear, and his clothes turn into the True Cross uniform.

"Samuel, why did you make the uniforms like this, they are so uncomfortable!" Lucifer whined at Mephisto.

"I just did, and also we better get to the orientation assembly, it will start in a few minutes!" Mephisto said to them. As soon as he did, they started running to the auditorium, with Rin in front. After a minute, Rin ran into something, or someone....

"Watch out where you're going, asshole!"

To Be Continued~

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