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Millie's POV
I wake up to my messy hair, I felt so free when I looked down at myself I was naked wrapped in covers next to Finn who was also naked I smiled knowing what happened, I finally told him how I felt instead of bottling everything up all the time, my head rested on his chest taking in his light sent while I traced his v-line and abs thinking about him. He has my heart slowly making it feel better
"They feel nice don't they" I hear a deep voice say, I bite my lip and smiled but blushed, taking my hand off him as he puts his arm around me, I turned around looking at him he smiled
"Your still so beautiful" he said I throw my head back shaking my head
"I'm glad I'm here" I said and he nodded kissing me
"I think my sister is gonna get us later" he said, and I jerked my head back
"Why" I asked and Finn smirked
"Oh Finn, finn I'm so weak, oh Finn fuck me" he said moaning making his voice higher I realize he was imitating me last night, I was embarrassed, I hit his chest playfully
"I don't sound like that" I said shyly He only laughed and I decided to tease him a little
"Ok if I sound like that you don't gotta worry about hearing it again because we won't do it again" I said to him climbing over him, he had a shocked expression
"I never said all that your taking it to far baby" he said I turn around and drop the cover from my body knowing he was looking, I found his shirt and slipped it on with my underwear, I flipped my hair to the side before looking at him and walking out the room leaving him shook. A few minutes later I was down stairs and Felt warm arms wrapped around me
"I would hate you if you leave" I said knowing he had to go to work today, I turn around to se him squint his eyes at me and bit his lip as he scanned my face
"I know baby but I'll be back I promise" he said I hoped on the conter as he looked me in the eyes I pouted my lips making puppy eyes
"Please stay, I want you to stay please" I whined and he hated when I did that but it got him to stay, I placed my hands around his neck pulling him closer to my chest
"Fine I'll stay" he said and I smiled as he picked me up off the counter looking in my eyes I kissed his lips
"Wanna go out to eat breakfast" he said I nodded. When I got out the shower I went to Finn's room and got dressed-black long sleeve shirt, and my vintage overalls with vans I left my hair down and put dark blue clips in, when I was finished I went downstairs to see Finn with his car keys in his hand
"I invited my friends" he said and I let my smile linger as I come down
"Well come on" I said he smiled pulling me by my waist looking in my eyes I wanted to kiss him but I didn't want to mess up my lipgloss
"No I'm gonna messy up my gloss" I said opening the door, walking to the car. We walked in to see our friends at the table I sat next to Maddie
"Heard what happened. You ok?" Caleb asked me, I knew what he was talking about and I shyly nodded
"And you my man" he smirked at Finn patting his shoulder, Finn laughed
"When were you gonna tell us" Gaten said acting shocked
"I was right Finn" Gaten said looking at me Finn nodded but I just rolled my eyes
"Oh Finn here.. read it when you get home" Sadie says handing him a red folder" he took it and scanned through putting it in his jacket as my questions grow
"So Millie were going out later wanna come" Maddie says to me
"Yeah" I said she smiled hard at me, eventually the waitress came and we ordered
"Oh my birthday is coming up this weekend. I'm throwing a big party, you guys should come" Caleb said, I nodded thinking a party would be nice.
"Definitely I wouldn't miss my best friends birthday dude" Gaten said smiling at him
Finn's POV
After we at we all decided to go to the skate park so we all went home to get our bords
"Here you can use my other one" I said to Millie, she runs out the door I do the same right behind her. When we get there I immediately grabbed Sadie and we do our normal, we see who can do better tricks, after a while I stop trying rest than I look over to Millie and Caleb
"That's ok I'll teach you" She looked up at him and smiled, he showed her how to stay steady on the board
"Get on the board and I'll hold your hand" he said, nodded steeping on the board wobbling, he held her hands walking while the board rolled
"See your doing it" he smiled and laughed at her, I glanced down at everyone else who was laughing and smiling at each other
"Thanks Caleb" She said to him than hugged him he hugs her back
"Wanna get some water" Sadie said I nodded getting up walking to the fountain thinking of Millie
"I'm glad that everyone is getting along with Millie well" Sadie wiped her mouth agreeing with me
"Yeah she's really sweet I like her" I took a sip of water as she spoke
"It's pretty nice today, it's just the right amount of cold" she said, I giggled
"Uhh Sadie What was that folder you gave me" I asked her she looks at me with cold blue eyes as she pushed her hair behind her ears
"It's Millie's files, like her information. I got hold of it from my dad" she said I smiled at her wrapping my arm around her neck
"You the best" I said, she smiled as we caked back to the area I see everyone start getting there things together
"I'm bout to get back home ya know how my parents are" Caleb said as he gave me a fist bump
"I'll see you tomorrow we can talk about the folder" Sadie said walking with Caleb, gaten and Maddie waved I did the same than grabbed Millie's hand walking slowly
"So how did you like today" I said to her she's looks me with a pretty smile
"It was fun but I had something on my mind a lot" she said and tilted my head at her
"The red folder Sadie gave you. What was it" she said, I sighed trying to decide if I should tell the truth or not
"It has some of your information in it" i told her, she nodded and stop, she placed her hands on my shoulders, and hopped on my back and I started to walk
"What's your favorite ice cream" she asked me as I took in her sweet sent
"Ummm vanilla. And yours?" I asked-she thought for a moment
"I don't know. I like lots of ice creams but there's this one that has like mint and chocolate chip in it. I don't like that one" she said I chuckled at her. I like being close to her, it made me fall in love with her even more.

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