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Millie's POV
Today was the day of Sadie's sister birthday dinner and I had to get up and go to the mall to get something to go wear, we're not to far from the mall so I can walk plus it was a nice day out, I decided to take the baby with me too. When I got out the shower I dried off and put on a plaid Mini dress that was black and white, I put a white short sleeved shirt on under it I than slipped on my white vans left my hair down and put on earrings and lipgloss I went in the baby's room to get him ready, I put him on fresh clothes with little socks than packed his bag with pampers, wipes, an extra pair of clothes, another pacifier and 3 bottles of milk I wrapped him in a blanket and put him in the black stroller that Finn's mom gave us it was really nice and the baby faced my way which I liked
"How's mommy's little one" I said as he smiled it brought me so much joy just seeing him ok and happy unlike some people. Outside was nice but I couldn't get my mind off the fact that I'm alone and out, I felt a pit of fear so deep it was endless that feeling that I haven't felt in a while that I tried to leave behind me but it only followed me, I wasn't walking fast but somehow my heart beat increased, sweat ran down my face in fear that he's hear
"It's ok Mills" I told my self trying to calm down, eventually I made it to the cold air inside the mall where you smelled a mixture of plastic and perfume and food, I went in H&M to find a simple outfit nothing to flashy just casual and cool, I walked around seeing two pair of jeans that I really like and that could also go with a nice shirt, I noticed a girl that stood close to me, she had long brown hair and blue eyes that were soft, her face caked with make and her lips coated with pink lipgloss that she pouted proudly, her fake tan ran down her leg staining the sprayed area
"Do you have a baby" her voice pitched, to be honest she looked like an over done doll
"Yes" I said pushing my baby and myself away just a little, her body drenched in perfume
"Whore" she said before placing her hand on her perfect waist
"Your like 17 and you have a kid. Such a slut" she walked away proud of what she said, the words craved in my head to not forget them, I tried not to let it get to me because she doesn't know what happened she doesn't know what my mind hides. When I got home the words still were in my head and I hated myself for letting it get to me the way it did, I didn't want Finn to see me all weak and pathetic
"Fuck" I whispered to trying to wipe myself face from the tears but the kept coming
"Why are you crying" I hear Finn's voice, I immediately put a smile on acting like nothing happened
"I'm not cry" I said the smile came off and I just couldn't help it
"Hey baby, it's ok" I shook my head no
"No it's not. I'm so pathetic I can't even stand up for myself when someone called me a slut for having a baby" I said feeling all the pain from the words hitting me like a bus
"Your not a slut. It only hurt the way it does because you let it" he said holding out his arms
"Stop letting get to you" he pulls me in his arms, Finn was right I shouldn't let it bother me because it's not true.
Finn's POV
I watched her as she got dressed and did her makeup, I could tell she was a little upset about, mills is the strongest person I know like I'm amazed by her everyday and I love it
"Ok I'm about to go. I love you both don't do any crazy shit" she said I laughed before she kissed me
"One more" she asked as she smirked with her perfect teeth, I kissed her again than she kissed Auggie who was laying on the bed
"Bye" I hear the door open and close, I decided to watch some tv with Auggie, a show I needed to caught up on
"Your gonna watch tv" I said in a happy voice, we got to the couch and I sat down sitting him on my lap than turned on the tv. 45 minutes into the show my phone started to ring and it was Joe
"Hey joe"
"Hey kid. How is everyone?"
"Good, the baby is some work but I can handle it. How is everything with you"
"It's all fine. I just wanted to check on y'all because of reasons"
"Yeah. The other day I was thinking about what happened to millie. I was amazed at how she had a baby because I've would have guess that she couldn't, she went though that for years and everything seems all good down below, ya know"
"Like I say millie is full of surprises"
"Well I'll call later. Bye"
That was an odd conversation with joe but than again joe is a strange person, I noticed that August was falling asleep so I decided to just go to bed with him in our bed. It was the middle of the night and I guess millie was home because  I felt her get on top of me
"Hey baby" she said, I felt so tired I could barely open my eyes, I feel her place my hands on her waist as she leads down and kissed me hard I only feed into it, the kiss felt weird and so did her lips, a thick sent of perfume hit me a strange sent that I didn't like. She stopped and took off her shirt, the bra she had on was red which was weird because I thought she wore a black bra, she kept kissing me pulling down my pants
"Miss me much"  most of the time millie is really good at this but for some reason it wasn't as good as usual but I guess she was just tired
"Shit" she moaned, she sounded weird too but I let her be.

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