Sʜᴇ's ʜᴇʟᴘɪɴɢ ᴜs

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Millie's POV
We had just called Joe to find out where he was and he didn't answer the phone, we called at lest 10 times impatiently waiting for him to pick up meanwhile my mind was being clustered by thoughts that made me think worse about where my baby is I just wanted him back Where's it's safe with me and Finn
"Fuck Joe" Finn said, wiping his face harshly with his hands, I couldn't sit I continued to walk back and forth trying to just figure out who could have took him and why
"Did you ever call anyone else about what happened to Natalia?" Finn looked at me confused, I shook my head no not really having the chance to because so many things where happened at once
"Well i'll let Caleb know that's it's ok to tell everyone about what happened than we can leave and look for Auggie" he was shaking uncontrollably, I had forgot Caleb left the same night he came so it was best for us to call him cause he knows the most I guess
"He just told everyone and their on there way over here. I told him me and you went to get somethings just to cover us with August" I Stopped for a moment and looked at him
"Why can't we tell them that August is missing" he looked at me serious like he knew something
"Because I think I know who took him and I don't want anyone to get involved anymore with this crazy ass bullshit that has everyone going crazy" he said breathing heavily trying to control all the emotions that came at him at once as my eyes widen in fear
"Who has him?". As we pulled up to an filmier driveway I lifted my head quickly immediately wiping away the tears that streamed down my face
"Maddie's house? But w-" I froze in mid sentence just realizing who Maddie lives with Kenzie. She has my baby but why, Finn parked and we both jumped out the car running to the door, Finn didn't even waste time to knocking
"OPEN THE FUCK UP KENZIE" he screamed at the door twisting the door knob repeatedly, he started pulling on the door but nothing, I soon started to hear soft footsteps approaching Finn moves his hand and I put my head to the door trying to see if I hear anything else
"If I let you in, you have to promise me to let me explain" I scoffed softly but going alone with it so she can let me in
"I promise" I quickly look at Finn who was about to start yelling but I put my hand over his mouth and shook my head, I hear the door unlock and being to open, my heart raced as I only focused on one thing
"Where is my son" I said my voice a little shaky but still stern, I walked inside ready to choke the girl, she looked at me with a large amount of fear in her eyes, she closed and locked the door I could hear Finn mumbling hurtful thing to her under his breath
"Ok give me a moment to explain" her voice was quite as if she had to whisper because someone was listening,she sat at the table calmly and so did we following along to everything
"I needed to get your attention" she looked directly in my eyes
"I need to help you" I looked at her in disbelief
"Kenzie what the fuck is wrong with you, you could have called me or something but instead you take my baby while Finn's sister Is in the hospital and he's all drugged up after the dentist and shit, our lives are already falling apart as it is and your just putting us through more shit so if your want to help me TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK CAN I FIND MY SON" the house was at an angry quiet, Kenzie looked at me as if she could burst out in tears in any minute
"He's upstairs" I run to the stairs and to Kenzie room, I see him sleeping in her bed with pillows around him I pick him up crying thinking of all the things that could've happened to him
"Oh my baby" I feel arms wrapped around us, I kiss his head thanking god that he was ok
"You do some dumb shit like this again I'll kill ya" Finn said to the girl who stood in the door way crying, Finn grabbed my hand waking out almost past Kenzie she put a hand on my shoulder holding me, I looked at her but she didn't look at me she looked straight ahead with cold eyes
"He's coming millie. He's coming very soon and I need all of you to leave" she let go and placed a kiss on my head, I froze knowing exactly what she meant
"You need to leave this town".
Finn's POV
The car ride was quite, it was an uncomfortable quiet we both had large questions that wondered our minds floating
"Remember when you said I could see my mum sometime again?" He voice was shaky and heavy with fear
"Yes?" I glanced at her as She swallowed hard looking at her fingers messing with her nails
"Well can the time be tomorrow morning" she gave me this look, a look I seen before not in just her but in Kenzie, that same face of endless fears, at that moment I knew something was wrong. Millie was in the house talking to herself and moving around non stop, I didn't know specifically what was going on but I had a figure, I think it had something to with Buck-Millie always gets this nervous when he is brought up
"Mills" I said, I sat on the edge of the bed just watching her look more and more upset
"Baby" I called to her but nothing
"Millie come here" my voice hard and serious, she came to me
"He's coming and we need to leave" she didn't look at me she looked away with these warm eyes that showed hurtful memories
"Ok who told you this?" She grabbed my face harshly, she really was scared, she clenched her jaw together to tightly I thought her teeth would crack
"He is coming after me and you need to promise me you won't let him get me back" her eyes watering through all her words, I made a many promise to Millie but this was different
"I promise"

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