Chapter 9

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With the last kiss of the night. Zayn and Brooke went there separate ways.

It was late at night and Brooke was sleeping when she got a call from Zayn.

Do you know what time it is? Brooke said.

No, I was missing you and just wanted to hear your voice and hopes that it'll help me sleep. Zayn said.

That's so sweet, I love hearing the sound of your voice as well and it's 2:30 am Zayn. Brooke said.

Sorry, just wanted to hear your voice. I'm getting sleepy now so I'll talk to you later I love you. Zayn said.

I love you too. Brooke said.

And with the last phone call of the night Brooke was off to sleep as well.

*the next morning*

Hey Brooke. Harry said.

Not trying to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here? Taylor's not home, she went to the recording studio to record some songs before her next tour starts up. Brooke said.

I know she told me about the studio and her upcoming tour, she asked me to come over because she wanted me to come here because, she wants to hangout with me before she leaves for tour, which is less than 2 weeks away. Harry said.

Wait she leaves in less than 2 weeks, I just found out about that today when she left me a note on the fridge? Brooke asked.

Thought you knew, Brooke. Harry said.

Now I have to spend some time with her before she leaves. Brooke said. Maybe I'll ask her if she wants to go shopping.

Good idea Brooke, and then I can get the chance to take her on a date before she leaves. Harry said.

That's a great idea Harry, Taylor loves going out with you, she says you always pick out the most romantic places. Brooke said.

Maybe I'll have to teach Zayn how to be romantic. Harry said.

That'll be great Harry, and you know I love Zayn, but his date ideas aren't that romantic. Brooke said.

I'll do that than, maybe we could have a double date, Taylor's been talking about that. Harry said.

That'll be nice Harry, I'm sure Zayn wouldn't mind that, he's been talking about a double date for two years now. Brooke said.

We'll definitely keep that in mind Harry said.

Author's note

Just read this awesome trilogy it's called the Broken trilogy. The author's name is Relentless Chaos. She's such an amazing author and the trilogy is very amazing. And it's a Niall trilogy. Hope you guys can read it. I loved it

Another author's note

This song for this chapter I felt like was a perfect fit for this chapter because of how lonely they get

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