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The next morning I'm woken early by Michael. His hair is wet and sticking to his forehead. My eyes focus on his and he starts speaking to me quietly trying to get me to get up and shower.

"Tori, come on! The sooner we leave the sooner we get to our next destination." Michael's voice is still deep and groggy. I'm not going to be cliche and say it's the sexiest thing I've ever heard, because that would be a lie. This may be a very close second.

"Where are we going? And will you please stop calling me Tori?" I ask sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I've probably told him this about fifty times yet he doesn't listen.

"Do you actually believe we have a set destination?" He asks me chuckling. He has a good point but it's too early for jokes. I ignore him. I get up and go to grab my clothes to shower when his hand catches mine.

"What?" I ask more harshly than intended, but in my defense I am not a morning person.

"Have you forgotten about what we discussed last night?" He asks me while holding my hand to his chest.

"I don't remember anything after I took the third drink of whatever the hell you gave me." I tell him honestly. "So please go on to tell me what you're speaking of." Last night somehow Michael acquired some alcohol and of course I drank with him.

"You said quite a few things about my lips to say the least." A smirk grows across his lips and then he laughs ever so lightly. His fingers brush against my cheek and to my lips. I pull back.

"Whatever I said was not thought through. I was drunk." I state standing back. "Now I am not and can defend myself."

"You're very moody in the mornings I've noticed." He chuckles.

"Tch..." I scoff. "I must admit your lips are nice. I do remember the kisses at the concert and after. Although they'd better if they stayed sealed and you'd shut up until about noon." With that I walk into the bathroom and I hear him laughing.

I take my time showering. There is no destination for us, so we are in no schedule. I can take all the time I need. I even take time to dry my hair with the shitty motel hair dryer. I have mine but I don't want to hear Michael anymore than I have to this early.

Mornings have never been my forte. Clear Water High had a low tolerance for missing classes and I was always one of their problems. Stumbling in late for school; never really caring. I was just as surprised as they were the first time I showed up on time my senior year. I've never planned on going to college, and still do not. I like the thought of drifting and running my Tumblr. It's easy.

I finally leave the steaming bathroom and I'm welcomed with a cart full of food.

"I didn't know what you liked; so I got a few things." He tells me gesturing to the food. A small smile of appreciation appears momentarily. I take a plate of pancakes and bacon. Sitting on a chair in the corner of the room I enjoy my food.

"So today we're just traveling. I'm thinking about heading to Texas." He tells me.

"Why Texas?"

"Why not?" I shrug in response. "Are you worried?"

"What is there to worry about?" I ask him.

"Well, you seemed pretty boring when we first met. Until you had a few drinks and so on. I'm basically a stranger to you, yet here you are. So I was wrong about you being boring. Again, last night, you proved to be more interesting. Your lips especially."

"Is this supposed to be philosophical?" I ask nearly laughing. He just shakes his head.

"Come on, pack your stuff. Make sure you have everything and we can go."

"Where are we going now?" Maybe he's changed his mind.

"Texas probably." Apparently not.

"Why Texas?" I ask again just to annoy.

"Why not?"

I shrug not really knowing why I asked in the first place. I lay my plate on the cart and start to gather my things. "I'm ready, I guess." I tell him.

"You guess?" He asks coming rather close to me. I've never paid much attention to the height difference between us; but now in this close proximity it becomes apparent that I am much shorter.

"Um..." I step back not realizing the bed is right behind me and I end up tripping onto it. He's now standing over me. "I'm ready to leave."

"Then get up, silly." His smile is what's silly. I'm almost upset with myself for laughing at him; but, we should laugh at each other. We're stuck together for awhile.

Actually, not stuck. I did choose to come on my own.

His car is parked in front of the motel. He places my bag in the back with his then we take off. His phone guides him to the exit and we start heading southeast. I've never been to Texas; then again I've never been out of Santa Monica. My life has been the same since I was born. It's no wonder I jumped at the first chance of getting the hell out of town.

I've never even thought about what I would do after  graduation. I haven't applied to any universities or any small colleges. Though, I do know, this never popped in my mind when I imagined myself out of high school. when I was young and actually cared.

Honestly, after seventh grade I nearly gave up. Sometime's you see things you know you shouldn't see, or something happens and you just know deep down it isn't right; but you just can't stop it. That's when I decided to float through school and just make it to the end.

"I think we should just drive all day and night. Switching off, that is if it's okay with you." He says after a few hours of driving.

"I'm fine with that." 

"Good. So, you really do not want to talk about your life?"

"I really don't see why talking about it will affect you in any way. I'm not completely against doing so, but I'm not just going to spill my life story to you by no means."

"You're a hard nut to crack." He laughs while taking some exit that I missed the number of.

"Do you watch any television?" I ask.

"No, not often."

"When you do, what do you watch?"

"Are you asking me what my favorite show is?"

"In a way, I guess so."

"I like the CW's Reign." I must laugh more than he likes. "It's ridiculously inaccurate, but no reason for you to laugh."

"That's not why I'm laughing."  I explain. "Honestly, I think it is cute."

"Like you?"

"You're incredibly cheesy."

"Excuse me for trying to compliment you, Tori."

"It's Victoria!" 

"Hey, at least I know your name." He laughs shaking his head. His eyes meet mine momentarily. He must not remember when I said his name yesterday, or didn't hear it. I stay quiet feeling guilty. Though, he has not been very open with telling me it.

The scenery changes from small suburbs to flatland quickly. He never asks me to drive, or even asks if I'm hungry. I do the same. I grab a book out from my bag in the back and read for what feels like hours, but I feel as if I never make any progress. I keep getting distracted by the curves of his lips. I loved the taste of them last night, and I want more. I feel this strong lust for him, and that is something I've never imagined I'd feel.

Everything is more clear with him. Even if it's truly not, he has a way of making me feel like I'm on top of the world even if I've hit rock bottom.

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