Chapter Nine

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A/N: So this is kind of a filler chapter but I hope you like it anyway. Sorry from the short update.

Stiles sat down on the couch and sobbed into his hands. What had he done? Oh, that's right, he had shoved a mentally unstable man out into the harsh world with just a few articles of clothes. He had gone back to the door a few minutes after kicking Derek out, rethinking his choices. But when he opened the door, Derek was gone. No sign of him anywhere.

He called all of his friends and nobody had seen him. Stiles was a mess when he packed himself into his jeep and drove to his parents house. He needed his mom right now. When he arrived John left Stiles and Claudia to have some privacy as Stiles poured out his heart to his mom. "- and then.. then he was gone!"

His mom nodded and rubbed his back as Stiles sobbed into her shoulder. "He'll be alright. He's a grown man that can think for himself."

"You don't understand, mom. He looked so empty when he left. Like he wasn't aware of anything. I'm scared."

Claudia nodded. "I know. Why don't you wait until your father comes back and then go from there, huh?"

Stiles nodded as he kept crying into his moms shoulder. He would miss times like these when she was gone and that only mad him cry more.


Derek's mind was aflame. He couldn't sort out his thoughts as he walked down another empty street. Stiles had kicked him out. He really had. And he had no where to go.

All of his friends were across seas and he was stuck in the middle of a neighborhood. He knew it was his fault that Stiles had kicked him out but that didn't make it any easier. lt wasn't his fault that his brain couldn't come up with answers that fast. That all he could do was blankly stare at a wall. He couldn't even get his brain to work now as he mindlessly turned a corner.

He was now by an alley. How had he gotten here? He wasn't sure but as he sat beside a trash bin and lay his head against the wall, he didn't care. Stiles and the rest of his pathetic life could wait until tomorrow.

Tonight, he was tired and done.


Derek woke up to the felling of something furry scratching his leg. When he looked down he saw a decent sized rat sniffing around his ankle. He kicked it away and stifled a yawn.

He got up to his feet and stretched his soar muscles. He was used to soar muscles though. The military defiantly didn't have comfortable cots when they even had cots.

He looked around and didn't know where he was so he started to walk north. He didn't know why he chose north, but maybe it would lead him to Stiles. Or maybe it would lead him further away. Derek wasn't sure which me wanted more.


Not long after Derek had started walking a cop car pulled up beside him and rolled down its window. "Son, would you happen to be Derek?"

Derek nodded and got closer to the car.

"Thank god, sorry, but would you mind getting in the car please. Your family has been worried sick."

Derek frowned in confusion. "My family is dead, sir."

The officer sighed and looked into Derek's eyes. "Stiles and the sheriff himself have been worried. Your their family now. You should know how much they care for you, son. Why don't you hop in and I'll give you a ride to them?"

Derek got in the front seat of the car and buckled himself in. If Stiles really was his family, why would he kick him out like that?

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