Chapter Eight

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The medicine helped with the mood swings and the depression. Derek was soon discharged and sent home.

Now a-days he only sat around and sometimes played with Roxy. Stiles knew he shouldn't feel jealous that the dog was getting more attention than he was, but he did. Derek slept on the couch by his own choice now. The only time he ever really talked to Stiles was when they were driving to the VA for his therapy appointments. And even then it was just simple questions like how Derek felt. He always felt "fine." Nothing more, nothing less.

The news came on Thursday that would change it all.


"Oh sweetie! I missed you," Claudia said as she pulled Stiles into a hug. The sheriff idly stood at the door until he was formally invited into the couples home by Derek. It was Thanksgiving and Stiles decided that it would be good for Derek to have it at there house. Stiles made a turkey while Derek mashed potatoes. It made Stiles smile to see him off of the couch.

They all say down and gorged themselves until they couldn't fit anymore. They talked about family and friends, Derek and Stiles, and about the sheriff and Claudia. It was only at the end of dinner that Claudia pulled Stiles aside and sat down with him on the couch.

"Honey, I have something to fess up about." Stiles looked at her worriedly.

"What's wrong mom?" he asked with big eyes.

"I've been going to see my doctor lately and... well, I have a disease called frontotemporal dementia. It's a brain disorder and that slowly deteriorated the memory and will ultimately result in..." Claudia trailed off.

Stiles looked at his mother with wet eyes and escaping tears. He shook his head no and felt his father's hand on his shoulder. Derek sat down next to him on the couch, looking empty. He had gotten the rundown of things moments before.

"But... there's got to be... you can't..." Stiles looked up at his mom again and all she did was shake her head.

"I can't remember your first birthday party. Or the first time I met Derek. And I'm slurring my words by mistake. It's happening fast, Stiles. I wasn't going to tell you so soon, but it's necessary now."

Tears came rushing out of all of them but Derek. He was a void. An unfeeling void.


Stiles' parents left soon after and Stiles left Derek on the couch, going to his own bed. He really needed Derek right now but he wasn't responding to anything. He would try again in the morning if he had any energy left. That night Stiles cried himself asleep in the cold bed. Never once did Derek make an appearance.


The next morning Stiles called work and told them he wasn't going to be coming in today. He drug himself out of bed to find Derek sitting upright on the couch.

"Derek," he said. No reaction. "Derek," he said again, a little louder this time. "Derek!" he shouted. Still nothing.

Stiles wasn't putting up with anything more today. He. Was. Done. Stiles stomped to there room and gathered all of Derek's things in a bag, shoving in random clothes and other items. He rushed back into the living room and shoved the bag against Derek's chest. He grabbed him by the upper arm and drug the dazed man to the door, shoving him out into the cold and slamming the door.

He was done, and so was Derek.

A/N: An update that's actually on time and a decent size. Yayy!!!

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