American Boy

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I moved to America for a month. I come from London, but now I live in LA. I work in Starbucks and I live in a cheap but nice motel. I work in Starbucks near Hollywood, so here often come a lot of celebrities. I was lucky to meet Tom Felton, Crystal Reed, or Ariana Grande, for example. I am very glad that I got this position because I am a big fan of almost everything and therefore this work, where I can even get a free signature and photo with my favourite celebrity, is actually such a dream job.
"Good morning, what do you want?" I smiled at my next customer. "One latte macchiato, please," The customer smiled at me. Omg! That's Andre Gray. Okay, okay, just stay calm. "It will be right away," I ran to the coffee machine, and said the order there. "Who's next?" I wrote the order of another person, but work was very hard when I felt his gaze on me. With the next order, I left again and brought coffee for Adre. I wrote a name there, which he told me, and it also attributed my phone number. "Do you have many fans, what are you doing?" "I play at the football club," he smiled. "Really? It's weird I haven't heard of you yet." I said, surprised. For this performance, I deserve an Oscar. "Someday you'll see me play," he smiled, I love his smile, he's so cute. "Perhaps," I smiled, but then I had to go back to the cash desk and then to grab another coffee.

"Hello?" I picked up my phone. "Hi, this is Andre, remember?" said a beautiful male voice from the phone. "Yeah, I remember," I tried to avoid freaking out. Andre Gray is calling me, but I have to stay calm. "I wondered if you wanted to go for a meal, and then I could give you a ticket for my match," Is this just happening? Andre invited me on a date and offered me a ticket for his game. I guess I'm in heaven, especially now, I have to calm down and answer. "Yes," I smiled, checking that I won't start to squeal with joy. "Then wait for me in front of the café," I heard his enjoyment in his voice. "All right," I replied, and ended the call.

"Hi," somebody said and I turned to the voice that came to me. "Leigh-Anne," he added as he looked at the sign I still had a tag attached to the shirt. "I greet you, too," I smiled, and quickly took off the tag. "I liked the tag, such a unique accessory," Andre laughed. "Thank you, but I'll probably take it off," I smiled, and put the card in my purse. "Can we go?" I asked. "Follow me," he said, setting his hand so I grabbed her. Andre and I went to white Toyota. "Where are we going?" I asked Andre as we got in the car. "To my place, I cooked something," he smiled, starting the car.

"Thank you for dinner, who would say that footballers can cook," I smiled at him. "I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, but now I have to prepare for the game, so if you don't mind, we'd better go to the pitch," he stood up, offering me a hand. I accepted that, so we went to the car.

"Hi, this is Leigh-Anne, my girlfriend," he introduced me to all the boys in the locker room when I greed everyone, I led Andrew aside. "Are we official now? We were on one date," I asked him in surprise. "You told me today about how you were a cheerleader in England and how you miss it, and we're missing one, so, like my girlfriend, you have a pretty good chance to get this position, but we don't have to hurry," he grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. "Oh, my God, thank you very much," I embraced him. This is the prettiest thing that anyone ever has done for me.

"We'll be honoured to have you in our cheerleader team" the manager smiled at me as he hid my contract. In the next game, Andre played on the football pitch and I danced there. I was incredibly happy after a long time. I don't have to sell coffee anymore, even though my happiness has begun there.

3 years later

"I will go for coffee, huh?" said Andre, and stepped out of the car. What a coincidence that we stopped at the cafe where we met. I watched him through the window, there's a new girl. Why is Andre smiling at her? Why does he smile at her with a smile that he laughed only at me so far? She smiles at him too. Why does this remind me too much of our meeting? She writes her number on the mug. Surely I have nothing to fear about or have I? I don't want to be jealous.
"Here's your coffee," he came back into the car, so we went to our way again. We arrived at my home sitting on the couch because we had a very hard day. "I'll play something," Andre smiled and brought his guitar. "Your smile, that was the thing that made me fall in love with you, the one coffee you made for me was the thing that made my whole day. You gave me your number and it was the start of my happy story," I started to be insecure 'bout all the things you say. Is he singing about me or her? I know he's singing about her. His phone started ringing, so he put the guitar down and looked at who was calling. He smiled when he looked at the cell phone. It's her. The one who takes him from me. I don't want to be jealous, but this makes me sad, it makes me bad, so I want to know who's on your phone. "Who was that?" I asked him with a smile. "Only the manager needs to talk to me, so I have to go," he gave me a quick kiss and disappeared. Why I don't want to believe it. Why does it make me paranoid, no, it makes me mad. It makes me feel like I needed to ask. I'll call you, it's almost an hour you're gone. I want to know if you're at home and if you're at home, baby, are you alone? Are you alone? Answer your phone! Why don't you answer your phone? You picked up him, thank God. "Hi, I wanted to ask you," I couldn't finish my sentence because Andre interrupted me. "We have to break up," what? After four years as we were together, half a year since we got engaged, I already have a wedding dress at home. Why? Why are you doing this to me? I wanted to ask him, but he hanged up the phone, that's all he'll tell me? We have to break up......

I'm sorry I made Andre here as a bad guy, but I didn't know how else write this chapter.

Adel Edwards

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