Chapter two:one cut leads to another

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(Jade's POV)

I hear them, their screaming at me telling me to do it. once Katy and mom got in the car we began to drive.

"Hurry mom" I said wanting to get home and stop the screams, the voices attacking me. not only that but I didn't want to be near Katy anymore.

"I can't go over the speed limit" mom said as she shook her head. Katy glanced back at me with a big smile.

"So how have you been?" Katy asked with a big smile

"What do you care" I said trying to stay calm, though the voices still screaming at me.

We arrived back at home, I quickly got out of the car and headed to the door.

"Hey, help with her bags" mom said as she got a bag and handed it to me. I took it roughly and started walking to the door once again. Katy ran up next to me. I walked as fast as I could up the stairs and to Katy's room. I threw her suitcase on the bed and ran to my room leaving Katy with a strange look.

(Katy's POV)

I went down to where my mom was in the kitchen cooking. I sat at the table and thought about Jade. she grows more beautiful everyday, well her appearance does.

"Your father is going to be so happy to see you" mom said as she grated cheese.

"Ya I'm glad to be home...but Jade she-" I stopped myself

"She what?" mom asked as she looked at me concerned.

"Hey" I heard David's happy voice and the door close. I turned to see him and Angela walking in with big smiles taking there shoes off.

"Hey guys" I said standing up and going to them. I gave David a hug first then Angela.

"It's so good to see you" Angela said as she sat next to me at the table

"I know I've missed you guys" I said.

"Did you see Jade yet?" Angela asked "she should be happy to see you"

"Actually...she came with me from dance class to pick her up" mom said as she wiped the counter.

(Jade's POV)

I ran to my room, locked the door and got our my blades. I got my blades from pencil sharpeners, to broke the plastic sharpener and took the blade. I went into my bathroom and closed the door just to be careful.

I slowly slid the blade across my wrist. The pain making me cry. It wasn't that bad though, it felt good in a way I can't describe. I slid it across my wrist making some small and some big cuts going up my arm to my elbow but no further. the blood dripping into the sink making the water red as it went down the drain. I slowly slid it across my wrist for the last time today.

I quickly grabbed some toilet paper and wet it making it damp. I wiped up all the blood, it stung. after I finished cleaning up, I put some makeup on my arm to hide the cuts. I knew how to blend colors into things and it worked pretty well, you couldn't even tell it was there.

I heard a soft knock then a 'sweet' voice say "can I come in, please?"

"If it's Katy then no" I said putting makeup on my face so you couldn't tell I was crying.

"Please?" she begged, I decided to hear what she has to say. I opened the door to see Katy smiling at me.

"Hurry up with what you have to say, I'm busy" I said pretending to fiddle around with papers.

"I want to know if maybe we could be friends?" Katy said smiling "I would love it if we could be like how you and Ange are"

"Well your you so that could never happen" I said being a bit harsh.

"Please?" she begged as she sat on my bed

"I'll think about it but don't hold your breath" I said pulling her by her hand and then pushing her out of my room.

"Oh and mom wants to see you" Katy said before I closed the door so I just followed her down. I seen mom, Angela and David talking at the table.

"Angela" I squealed as I ran up to her. I gave her a big hug then turned and glared at Katy as I sat next to Angela.

After dinner we played a few games of uno. then Katy decided to say something stupid as always which was that she was the best, she won all the games making her think she's better then she even is.

"Your not the best" I said annoyed

"Better then you" she said smirking

"Whatever" I said getting up to go to my room, Katy stood up and grabbed my wrist. I felt wetness on my arm, I think she seen the blood seeping through my shirt.


So what do you guys think of our book? these are the days we will be updating. Katys_pjs will update on Mondays and Saturdays, I (Krystalbella) will be updating on Sundays and Thursdays. we hope you enjoy our book and please comment. Xxx


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